>the precise moment that any rational investor knew to sell
don't remind me. Why didn't I seel this fucking shit at rebranding
This is actually bullish
Kek, implying Vechain ever had rational investors
Sweet trips
fucking kek
>buy now, vechain will flip eth after rebrand
lmao I warned you faggots about this some months ago, no one listened in fact I was flamed. Whats that called, cognitive dissonance?
Who ever bought this trash deserves to be poor honestly
>Pastes some random BMW logo on a powerpoint
>The rumour is true
People paid $4.88 a piece for this
>Implying Vechain had a white paper to start with.
Are you fucking blind or something? I can read that font size from the moon.
Imagine investing in retards who did dress up
you’re not a ven holder if you can see it from there
Unironically when I saw them do this I knew it was a 100% shitcoin.
lmaoooo it sounds like a robotic pajeet
So they put on a little showing using graphics and nomenclature that would appeal to autistic video game virgins and make references to comic book bullshit.
They got you Plebbit motherfuckers hook, line and sinker.
I hope you lose it all.
yeah this one is megaKEK
Lulz, that is one sad little cunt.
holy mother of god
COPE world champion material right there
You are learning new expressions from me, I see
hahaha, good shout mate. Start a project with no white paper so you can make up all sorts of shit and fake promises as you go along #VENstyle lulz
How can anyone take this overly grown spastic or VEN seriously after that. Imaging Microsoft, apple or amazon etc doing that ROFL.
No way were normies gonna fucking make it. That would have made me so angry.
Worst shill I ever read
I didn't believe you so I checked.
this is literally the moment i dumped 20k of the shit lmao
yeah it's true as in right now in the vechain daily.
I unironically go there every day now to LOL at the bagholding delusion. Yesterday they had 1200+ comments in the daily. It's too fun
They have all been shit on from such a massive height lmfao. The CEO, sunny admitted to trading VEN on the open market (insider-trading), the foundation admitted to dumping their VEN on the open market and the main VEN shill group (CREAMS CCI) have "information that no one else has" i.e. more insider trading. The whole project is a fucking shit show, china hustle 101. ROFL at those delusional retarded bagholders.
His mind is below alright
Someone please post in their subreddit and ask if their minds arw below yet
Shit, he actually retweeted that? Sunny and Justin leading the VEN and TRX shill trains, 100% focused on hype, price, and nothing else, lmfao. Get rekt.
I didn't know what to expect but damn that was funny. Thank you op.
Unironically this. Anyone holding these kinds of shitcoins deserve what they get.
Yeah but the account he retweeted is deleted. You can still find archives of it though.