Fuck these Nano lemmings , made fun of us all last bullseason now want to STEAL FROM LINKIES
Fuck these Nano lemmings , made fun of us all last bullseason now want to STEAL FROM LINKIES
just tell them its another blockchain startup with no clients and thats its classic hype garbage like VEN
I don’t know anymore, should I downvote this or shill it? Will post any suggestions given ITT
you broke ass linklets literally had an entire year to accumulate
Downvote away
shill it, get them warm and wet for the bullrun
We agreed to stop the fud. We don't start the shill yet bit we let LINK breath a little so the FOMO can happen without normies feeling that something is strange.
i upboated but no shill or fud, i'm sure it will be brigaded and removed in about an hour so it doesn't really matter
gtfo leddit
downvote this shit, normies don't deserve it
We need to progressively stop the FUD so the normies and programmers slowly get into it.
I mean, if from one day to the other we start shilling LINK, people will feel that something is wrong. They need to get used to the name. Slowly but surely. That why, instead of instilling FUD, we need to stay idle for a moment and let a few shilly comments pass through our filters.
So when the day comes when we start shilling the fuck out of LINK, people will already have read the name, maybe even looked at the webiste. Most of them would have thought at the time "meh this looks good" and their subconscious mind will add "and it has not been shilled as much as TRON and BCH". But they would have looked at the webiste, understood that LINK is actually credible. But they would not dig any deeper.
So when we start shilling it, they will have no filter against FOMO. They will FOMO in like crazy. And then we will make it.
It will also allow programmers to start developping stuff and influencing their companies to start using it (because does not want to get a promotion and become the crypto guru at his company?).
We really need to do that Jow Forums.
What do you think?
u/dawarriortheycallneo is a fucking brainlet, why are you trying to pump this shit in the middle of a bear market. You are wasting fuel for the upcoming bullrun.
Shut the fuck up faggot,
>We agreed to stop the fud. We don't start the shill yet bit we let LINK breath a little so the FOMO can happen without normies feeling that something is strange.
holy fucking cringe dude kys you fucking january buyer. Reddit deserves nothing but FUD, they're fucking lemmings and if they buy it RIP to them.
>like VEN
that'll make them buy more lol
shut the fuck up you insufferable faggot, you're newfag is leaking out the seams of your posts. You lack board and self awareness to such an extent that you should honestly never post again.
You know that LINK needs to be bought in order for its price to climb right?
You might also know that reddit is also a website with enough visitors to have an actual influence, right?
You faggots had plenty of time to accumulate.
I was there since 2006 and I bet that you can't triforce.
Faggot are you still talking. Doesn't matter till mainnet, get it through your thick fucking head
Upvoted. Fuck off late nolinkers
Down voting and piston fud. We need this thread gone
Shut it down.
Link doesn't need redditors to succeed. It needs enterprise level entities using it, as per Rory. No reason to bring sheep aboard the rocket. Clearly you don't know what you've bought.
and? have been for 9 months and gonna keep fucking accumulating, too. don't need a moon run because I'm not an impatient twat. the product will sell itself in due time.
Nobody is buying anything in the current state of the market you know that right? Good marketing means good timing you know that right?
Flush it down
Reddit is big enough to advertise widely. Ther is a lot of geeks working in IT on this website. Now if you don't get that a thousand convinced persons will have an influence and will open more possibilities and thus more growth just because "muh ruddot ize stullung frum eusse" maybe you should just check if the bleach started to taste good. I've headd that they added sugar to it and it's wondeful.
You realize that LINK will never appreciate if people aren't buying, right? Be grateful plebbitors are buying your bags.
How is link not a pyramid scheme?
>all those replies basically saying "wtf i love plebbit now?"
how low did this board go? is this because of despair?
It's a tool
No. They are redditors and faggots that are not patient. They don’t understand that regular people won’t raise the price
Because we need to do another gore purge on biz. They joined and fuck everything up
just downvoted all the positive comments
keeping my linkies stinky
>says the newfaggot who had 8 months (he didnt because he came here two weeks ago) and now is begging foe a raid
Fuck off
Our bags? Nobody want to sell "bags" at fucking 25 cents, idiot. We want to sell at $100+.
It's a website, keep your superiority complex to your local sports team or politics or whatever it is normies think matter.
Good job. These faggots don't understand the concept of market timing.
problem is you all are never going to stop fudding because it's a pathology at this point. you think you're just behaving rationally, but everyone can see that you're diseased. major parternership announcements and mainnet release won't deter you. you'll continue as long as you hold link, even past $1000 because you'll always be able to rationalize it in your head, "if we suppress the price we can buy more cheap and after that the price will rise". maybe linkies really are deluded
Fuck you I'm hodling till $2500 make em bleed Marines
Shill to the normies when/if the team starts shilling to the normies. As simple as this. This is important- The team is aware of biz and if you can read in between the lines you know they'll let us know when to start shilling. What they are saying now is "were communicating with businesses etc" = no normie shilling
They called us STINKY
They called us Deluded.
They called us Pajeets (partially true)
They called us PND shitcoin.
They called us FAT.
They called us memecoiners.
They called us a 2 man team.
They called us Russian Scam.
They called us Assblasted.
They laughed.
They filtered.
They ignored.
Then they raged.
And they despaired.
When the cryptoworld is on fire. And now they see LINK for what it is.
The saviour.
The Chosen.
The One crypto to save all Cryptos.
And in the darkness bring crypto mainstream.
It's not too late noLinkers.
Make your choice.
>t. bought at $1,3
sad but true
holy fucking shit how many levels or seething and projection are you on?
The should we FUD/shill thing doesn't matter a fuck. It's emotional thinking, you can try to organize a Jow Forums campaign for like Milocoin. But this is probably slightly more robust than that and like normie money is a shitty percentage of capital in the market. It's about the right wallets getting in and we don't have that much control over them. Get used to boring waiting because we can't engineer a bull market.
Hahahahha not even close. get fucked nolinkers.
literally none of my posts are about link (i own a bag of these babies by the way you fag) but your personal site, so stop projecting
I've got 100k dick muncher
Sorry to the user that was dangling their 1600 stack on Binance earlier.
I grabbed it up like 10 minutes before this
if Jow Forums had any effect on the price it would be a top 10 coin.
I hope the Jow Forums LINK swing traders get BTFO by reddit FOMOers. It would be a proper wealth transfer from the dumb to the ever so slightly less dumb.
good call OP. downvoted it on all my accounts.
lets get it deleted for brigading
just shut the fuck up. This will moon regardless if disgusting, filthy redditors buy or not. WHY WOULD YOU LET THESE PEOPLE ONTO THE LAST ACTUAL MOONSHOT IN CRYPTO HISTORY.
Then why the fuck are you speaking as we? Nypa
This, we need to take our cue from the top. When tiger mom springs into action, we should too. Till then let’s respect the stealth, it’s for a reason. I say let’s not fud as hard but it’s definitely not time to sell our bags to reddit.
>0 points
I'm proud of you marines
no redditor was enlightened today
>proceeds to try and hype it like those scam coins before there's even a finished product
I fucking hate some of you guys. The rest of you are alright
I upvoted but then commented some fud.
this is a sell signal
cya guys at 12cents
It's amazing that an anonymous board where anyone can post can keep such a big secret. I'm impressed, Marines.
We should buy nano as retaliation /s
EDIT: thanks for gold kind stranger
We live in a pyramid scheme user.
These are actual partners announcing they're partnering with Chainlink, you dumbass.
>Dumbass Redditor thinks what I said doesn't apply because it's a real partnership
Do us a favor and kill yourself
>shill it
They're real partnerships indeed, and it's the partners going public. Not Chainlink.
Cope, you had a year to accumulate, and the price is still absolutely nowhere yet.
You retards are tipping people off by mass downvoting people every time there's a thread about it over there.
Yes, and the price is still absolutely nowhere AFTER news like this. Which is why there is no point in getting people to FOMO in - because there is no FINISHED PRODUCT. For what it's worth, I'm not still accumulating. Think about what I'm trying to say.
That's now how it works there, if we mass downvote the thread, it keeps it off the front pages. Sure there is some risk that the people commenting in the thread notice, but it's better to keep it off the top.
scamlink fag shill
Why do I get such a rock hard erection hitting that down vote arrow?
reddit isn't like Jow Forums where the more you spam a thread the more visible it is, in reddit if you spam a thread it gets either hidden or deleted
I got that thread locked
If Jow Forums had no effect on the price this shit would have fallen out of the top 100.
>we have this great project and made it open source so anyone could chip in and help with it, we are hoping to build a community of devs around it
>lets fud xDDDDD I need my stinkies low so i can buy cheap so whales can pump and dump it as they wish xDDDD
>test net released ?
>lets fud xDDDDD I need my stinkies low so i can buy cheap so whales can pump and dump it as they wish xDDDD
>accord confirmed partership
>lets fud xDDDDD I need my stinkies low so i can buy cheap so whales can pump and dump it as they wish xDDDD
>new website
>lets fud xDDDDD I need my stinkies low so i can buy cheap so whales can pump and dump it as they wish xDDDD
>institutions are slowly accumulating
>lets fud xDDDDD I need my stinkies low so i can buy cheap so whales can pump and dump it as they wish xDDDD
>marketing starts
>lets fud xDDDDD I need my stinkies low so i can buy cheap so whales can pump and dump it as they wish xDDDD
>mainnet released
>lets fud xDDDDD I need my stinkies low so i can buy cheap so whales can pump and dump it as they wish xDDDD
>network works
>lets fud xDDDDD I need my stinkies low so i can buy cheap so whales can pump and dump it as they wish xDDDD
>uhh it never mooned and never got off the ground
>well at least le le leddit didnt get it and few whales got rich xDdddDddDDDDD
Partnerships are being announced. People are going to fomo in because of this.
There's no way around it.
Is 60k linkies enough to make it.
You absolute braindead moron. THIS is the official marketing, you dumb piece of autistic shit.
>official announcements from accord and openlaw is not official marketing
How do you dont forget to breathe?
I'm actually more qualified to talk about this than most anons.I'm employed with a cyber-techno machinations company, I do a lot of security analyst programming type work. Open source, decentralized, APIs, partnerships, you name it. We'd be one of the first companies in line for something like Chainlink, if the decentralized smart contract space had more value over traditional data exchanges. There's a catch though, an underlying flaw more deeply embedded in the bedrock of LINK than the very code itself. The flaw is with the concept, and it's this: Companies won't actually go through the hassle of trusting their data API's through crypto.
Now I can already hear your keyboards going frantic, but hear me out. Jow Forums hates banks, and traditional data providers. But actual companies, businesses, and investors do not. There's an old saying you might have heard of: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!". The idea that any of our bosses would give us the go ahead if we approached them to put our companies valuable data in a smart contract on a cryptocurrency called Chainlink, that they've never heard of, we'd be laughed out at best and fired on the spot at worst. We already have API data buyers and providers we trust.
'But Chainlink is trustless!' I hear you cry, but is that really a good thing? Just listen to the sound of it. Businesses don't want to spend millions of dollars on something that is trustLESS, they want something trustFUL. 'But the reputation system!', doesn't that defeat the whole point of your coin? If companies only trust nodes with high reputation, what's the difference between trusting banks and data providers that already have reputation, but in real life not on a computer screen.
The fact is, LINK is going to share the same fate as ETH will. A lot of 'real world application' hype, with a lot of 'crypto world application' reality. Only, this billion supply coin isn't going to come close to the $1k that Etherum hit. Happy gambling though anons.
Someone made this in another thread. Pretty good.
holy fuck we are savages every single FUD comment is upvoted and every single shill is downvoted into oblivion
EDIT: Thanks for the reddit gold xDD
Kill yourself piece of shit. You are actively working at what the cl has achieved because of dumb website loyalty
I was gonna do something pretty much like that today
then told me: "why shill it, idgaf about others making it?"
We shill when it’s to late r-right? I’m sitting on 100k here. Let me know when I need to flip the switch. I got every FUD copypasta and every shill on file ready for codeship.
I'm actually more qualified to talk about this than most anons.I'm employed with an Indian sanitation company, I do a lot of excrement removal type work. Open sewage, communal squatting bowls, public urine walls, you name it. We'd be one of the first companies in line for something like the toilet, if the westernized bathroom space had more value over a traditional shitting street. There's a catch though, an underlying flaw more deeply embedded in the bedrock of the toilet than the very design itself. The flaw is with the concept, and it's this: Indians won't actually go through the hassle of trusting their bowel movements through a toilet.
downvoting and fudding with all 8 of my alt accounts
It should clarify too that OpenLaw is owned by ConsenSys who are partnered with Microsoft and are members of EEA.