Is it true that jap girls adore european men? Perhaps the abolition of the visa regime is my chance

Is it true that jap girls adore european men? Perhaps the abolition of the visa regime is my chance ...

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pick one

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This is a churkas. There are many of them here, but the europid population of the RF is about 80%. Cunt-eyed salty retard.

80 percent? these guys make up about half of your damn population

No is not true, is just a meme

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Find statistics on the Internet, idiot.

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and your kids would look something like this

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>that huge exclusion of white women from black men
Jow Forums memes officially BTFO

>Asian men like Latinas
shit they know

Do children of mongoloids also have blond hair?

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Is this your photo?

I think I bought Watermelon for him

Do you love Japan?

why do they always look greasy?

I think that jap gils often has crooked teeth and no waist, everybody non-ugly long occupied by other men. As an everywhere.

Poor black girls

caucasians are europid desu

Yeah, but I'd never live there.

me too.
i have to speak russian to him

The ones that like whites don't like Russians because Russians hate all other whites

Caucasians are hairy black-ass monkeys as in the picture, and europids are white lords.

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Literally me

Very impressed with ur balance skill

Why would you even want an Asian girl? They are incredibly ugly.

Europid is a term from an old-ass biology book and it includes turanids and orientalids lmao

AND don't forget NEGGROIDS
BASED Soviet education desu

they are discolored mena's

One on the picture is azeri alias iranian-mongol mutt.

Thats a footballer.

Ok, europioids, not europids

which are europid

nvmd i saw this post cringe desu
>implying there's a difference

Actually is.