Welcome to Japan

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why do they wear those cancer masks?

Asians are terrified of smog and air pollution in general. They think the outdoors is a building site.

Time to bully some hikikomoris

it's prepared for prevention from coughing and inhaling germs in the air

i always wear one when traveling via anything that isn't my own car

East Asians have weak immune systems so they're deathly afraid of even basic illnesses.

But why?

so they just breath in their own carbon dioxide?

Why do you talk about China you stupid Anglos

i'm an extreme germaphobe. if I don't sanitize myself and wear masks/gloves I get sick very easily as I do not expose myself to germs.

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if you were exposed to germs more often you wouldn't be getting sick. I haven't been sick in 5 or 6 years



Welcome to Hiroshima

Attached: hiroshima.jpg (962x733, 190K)

you are scum of the earth
prepare for your eternal hell.
God will send you there

He is chinese

ignore him

To hide their faces

All illnesses are self-responsibility in Japan.
Bad custom.

Attached: shirobako_ep20_wear_a_mask_gif__by_kakumeiouzi-dblwtmt.jpg (1440x810, 132K)

What's your problem?

whats wrong with you kim ?

radiation poisoning

I asked you first, Toyota

you know kim always use the radiation things when they tease japs ? kim
use ur own flag kim

>I asked you first, Toyota
moron im not even the jap
i asked you first kim

I like the Japanese. I am not kim

>I am not kim
so who are you ? kim

President Truman

Attached: Truman.jpg (300x300, 7K)

I study in a old University in a small town (Coimbra) we get tourists there and is so strange seeing Japanese with those masks... it's a small town, with no pollution, why do those creeps wear the mask?


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what is the trueman doing here?
iirc kims like to lie everywhere tho

they don't have basic labour rights, so they can't take time off when they're sick

instead they go to work with masks to avoid infecting anyone else

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you seem to like the radiation and nukes right kim

I went to Hokkaido back in February and decided to try it because everyone else wore them. They really do keep you lungs and the lower half of your face warm. I didn't need it when I went down to Honshu though.

Ignore him, he's a buttblasted gook/chink who used to worship Japan but got angry when Japanese people rejected him.

They have the dense population lifestyle broken down to a science.

All you see from there is green, why those retards wear the mask anyway?
Is it a fashion statement?

Attached: Coimbra-7.jpg (3872x2592, 692K)

>you seem to like the radiation and nukes
I also like your women
you seem to like japan a lot

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you seem to be a gook shill, only insult ever I've seen on Jow Forums that comes from gooks towards japs is "lol u got nuked" while the japs can come up with better stuff (except for the annoying copypasta shitposter)

Lol the chinks got raped en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanjing_Massacre

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
Do you worship Japan or something? Do you wish you were born Japanese?

why are you using so many flags ? kim




japs on this board can hardly make coherent sentences, much less decent banter

Attached: South+korea+goes+ham+on+nippon+anon+1+and+1_eb0769_5446379.png (694x322, 15K)

It's the same Wikipedia image

I'm of Japanese decent, I don't like Japan but I hate gooks even more

why are you pretending chinese when u actually smell like kimchi ? kim


Why the hate friend?
I am American

Japanese, chinese, koreans, they all wear those masks.
Japanese girl in my uni said that it mostly a social thing. They feel more safe when they hiding face, or something like this.

>another self hating American

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I don't really care about Korea-Japan relations but Koreans, especially Korean-Americans in the U.S. are annoying and rude. I can easily tell Koreans from other Asians so I avoid them.

>I am American
*knock knock* is there anything in your head?

This is Japan

While lotta gang shit

Do you mind telling a story? I am genuinely curious as to why you feel that way.
Just the thought of us being friends

>I am genuinely curious as to why you feel that way.
if ur not kim, u dont need to care about it right, kim

I care because no one inherently hates a specific group of people without a reason, Toyota

In 6th grade math class there was a fat ass Korean and he always tried to prove that he was better than me (the other Asian kid in the class). I know not all Koreans are autistic like that, but that and some other Korean-American students at my school system really made me view Koreans in a negative way.
In high school, there was also a Korean girl who liked me and stalked me, although she looked wore clown makeup every day like how they do in k-pop

right. so you also have the reason you hate japs af right kim

Was the korean girl fat

>wore clown makeup every day
she must have been horny af to you lol

No she was probably into Jow Forums's clown world meme

My condolences user, I hope you will find some better Koreans in your life. I knew a Korean kid in middle school and he was a bit weird but friendly. I haven't seen him since nor do I want to.
Sorry Toyota, but for the last time I am not a Samsung

kinda, not really tho, but she was ugly without any makeup too, felt like a horror movie with a clown actively trying to rape me
t b h that was probably my only chance at getting laid but I would rather kms, I would not date anybody that looks like that, regardless of ethnicity

Don't bully Japan

Hope I do, unlikely though. I remember one time a Korean girl (not the one from the story above) came up to me and asked about my ethnic background and I said "japanese". She just said "oh" and walked away.
fuck koreans :DDDD

>I am not a Samsung
I didnt even call you samsung, kim
as you know kims like to pretend other asian personality.
afa i know, there are 2 jap celebs who had been deceited by kim until they got married

pic related : one of the idiot jap guys whose wife lied she was Taiwanese

How can a first world country don't have basic labour rights?

Samsung, Kim, what's the difference? Aren't they both Korean?
Your English is great but there are some mistakes in your grammar. Can I please be your teacher?
also what picture?

damn i forgot the pic

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They look happy together

> Samsung, Kim, what's the difference?
there are a big difference in it.
if you are a part chinese or a perfect chinese, you didnt even compare the kim to the samsung. cause they also have the kim. more like kim's origin is China .

they already have broken up.

did he really break up with her cause she was korean? that's sad

They WERE* happy

you're saying this girl's korean and pretended to be taiwanese? source?

>cause she was korean
how dare you say it that way huh?
you seems you judge it by you distorted prejudice right ?
how come the horny idiot change his mind just because she was korean huh?
you damn racist kim

That's not me

source ?
you cant even understand japanese right
so it would be a vain attempt if i did it
if you understand japanese any chance, google it

Taiwan has the best women

i was just wondering what happened. weirdo

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Based jap schizo poster

You show those kims who’s boss

Is it true that Japanese women are really easy to fuck if you are a white guy?

Attached: beautiful_white_men.webm (960x540, 2.64M)

>be japanese
>cant afford car to BTFO the risk of infection/contamination

Fucking plebs buy your own stuff that takes you places

>i was just wondering what happened. weirdo
its said that she was greedy about money .
but i dont know . there should be various reasons .
no one knows . only the 2 know the real reason

Wellcome to South Korea

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only if you are 8/10 objectively ?

Basically Korean and Chinese ugly face effected to japan Jomon.
When you insult yayoi remember that face is came from continental Asia.
Why do you think there is soooo many people totally the same ideal face line in kpop?
It’s biologically impossible becouse korean has usually big jaw bone, wider sqwear face with higher cheek bones.
It’s characteristic natural Feature of korean face.
I’m talking about original native face.
Yayoi type is from continent like China and Korea.
Jomon is native original Japanese.
No one can deny this fact.
Korean native face
Southern Chinese(yayoi)add Manchu mongol
"Kpop is Hideing those original face of korean by the plastic surgery".
Japanese native face Jomon.
Yayoi type is from continent like China and Korea.
Jomon is native original Japanese.
No one can deny this fact.

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Why Japanese hate korean is becouse they never stop asking ton of compensation money from japan endlessly even now.
Korean is beggar and we japanese outrage about it right now

Korea is too annoying with their MUH APOLOGY AND ETERNAL JAPANESE SIN and that kinda stuff, and Zainichi did have fucks who collaborated with North Korea and South Korean Anti japan movements that endlessly hate Japan and refuse to naturalize despite living here for several generations. And asking ton of compensation money from japan even now every year.

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And Comfort woman was nothing but a paid prostituter by the survey of the USA national historians team.

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why are your buses so rude :(

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>this jap schizo that sees Koreans everywhere

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Korean jaw cutting

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how many races are there in argentine ?
their tendencies are exactly the same ?
I mean all of argentineans act in the same manner regardless of the race ?
there is a good chance that they are actually Korean who tease japs that way : radiation or nukes.
pic related : bts dancing in the Hiroshima after nuke

I would provide other examples if you like

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