Why am I seeing more and more advertising for silver nowadays? Like there seems to be more ads for silver than there are gold now. What's going on?
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money system reset to gold/silver standard soon
no more monopoly money
They want to buy when its cheap
I fucking love silver, but only have 3 10oz bullions of it, and a bracelet.
That being said, all the silver in the picture can probably be exchanged for just a few 10oz bullions. Maybe even just one. God silver takes up too much space for it to be worthwhile
Historically silver/gold is 16/1. Currently it is like 80/1. Some people consider this to be indicative. I recommend caution. Read up on the Hunt Brothers. Personally, I made a good deal when gold went from $800 to $1600 because the retards put a nigger in the WHite House so that sort of took the pain away. Unfortunately I bought a shit ton of silver at $25 thinking it would move up years ago. Silver is necessary for industry and so the price is suppressed in a number of ways (again, see Hunt Brothers) so be careful. All of my silver now has to sit until the price moves up over what I paid.
Silver is classier than gold, less gaudy. Black with silver lining/accents is top aesthetic.
Yeah. If you are going to carry it around you want gold. For sure.
Newest illegal pump and dump scheme from the Krassenstein brothers. Just ignore it.
silver is easier to physically invest in. more capacity, cheaper, easier to barter with if things go to shit.
i used to invest in silver, but lost it all in a boating accident.
Silver is potentially a better investment than Gold atm. The historic price ratio was always closer to 1:12 gold to silver since ancient times but now it is 1:80 even though the above ground gold and silver stockpiles are almost the same. Silver is used industrial in a lot of stuff especially technology so it’s used up while gold is used as only a store of value or for jewelry.
Either shit is about to go down, or they are looking to dump their bags on normies.
I think its is the stuff you are watching. adds for Billion run al lot in places that are less then politically correct they don't give a fuck about socially exiling people from add revenue for saying stuff like niggers stink like musty dogs.
targeted ads because you're a Jow Forumstard
I like to keep a silver bar in my pocket but I always lose them.
I have a sterling silver necklace
>lost it all in a boating accident.
What the fuck were you doing?
Did you go out on a sailboat into open ocean, like how the fuck do you lose this?
Its more common than you think I lost all my guns the same way
Who hurt you pajeet? Or paki? Or which version of brown are you?
I created the Silverbug Island series in 2015 for this exact reason. Silver just has a way of sinking in boats
Pajeets are seriously into gold. IIRC I read that something like half of the world’s Gold is Jewelry in India. Seems Jared to believe but all of the gold mined in all of human history wouldn’t fill two Olympic Size Swimming Pools.
Tfw bought at 21
I feel your pain
>Why am I seeing more and more advertising for silver nowadays?
because it's aesthetic as fuck
It’s actually 3.42 swimming pools but okay
People lose guns, jewelry, or other valuables on boats all the time. Especially when someone comes asking about guns or valueables.
I would love to have some silverbars.
Too bad bars have 20% tax while coins only have a 7% tax rate.
It is so stupid.
Thats real sexy. Where do I get those small slim silver coins? Everything I see is 1oz
From a sunken Spanish galleon
Top kek m9
it's bait for catching goldfish you fucking tard
oh wait your dad never took you fishing because you were a boring ass nerd of a kid
they want you to buy it before they dump it
how about you guys start a
/gsg/ - gold silver general
Because the price of metals are dumping and major holders want you to take their bags.
Silver market is like $4 billion. If even 10% of the crypto market hedged 10% of their crypto in silver the market price would skyrocket. Why you idiots don't do this, I'll never know.
and yes I do it
nobody wants silver so they are desperately trying to advertise to get rid of it
Metals are inherently valuable, bitnigger
silver is actually more rare metal than gold did you know that? it's also the best conductor at room temperature.
>Why am I seeing more and more advertising for silver nowadays?
they were always spamming advertising for shitty silver coins on doomer/prepper sites. You've just been looking at collapse shit. They know they are retards with an audience of retards with shopping addictions. Buy a bag with a plastic container to shit in a match and a plastic hat to go with your silver coin.
>Historically silver/gold is 16/1
irrelevant it used to be used to make coins. Its not anymore.
>Newest illegal pump and dump scheme from the Krassenstein brothers. Just ignore it.
it's funny that we got about twice as many gold atoms on earth than silver yet gold is worth 80 times as much.