Compsci major here

Compsci major here
Can someone explain to me why you guys are valuing glorified TCP/IP packets at billions of dollars?

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Because other people value them more.

>muh 1s and 0s
This computer fad will never take off

Bitcoin will hit a million dollars. You will be missing out if you don't at least hold like 0.5 BTC.

But how fucking long will that take? Could Bitcoin hit 1ml in 100 years, sure. What the fuck good does that do us NEETs right now? Holding 1.2btc strong since 3K

>Compsci major here
so, zoomer student with no practical experience of industry or economy
do you also think derivatives have no value because it's all 1s and 0s?
stick to nodejs with your fellow pajeets, codemonkey

>TCP/IP packets

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it won't hit any crazy numbers for a very simple reason called "ETF". It would help short term and possibly get us to 50k let's say but that could be the ceiling forever because they would be basicly printing fake bitcoins and selling them thus creating artificial supply and lowering the price whenever it gets too expensive

sounds like you need to do some googl'n son. Best if that explor'n is done on alone time

tha fuck nodejs have to do with this. be more salty.

Information is the most valuable resource on the planet.

Currently, information is controlled by a small number of major corporations who are significantly Jewish and therefore will never be interested in advancing the interests of white people. They are therefore significantly incentivized to censor and ban people who speak the truth, even beyond the normal game theory of cartel formation.

A new form of networking allows us to take "packets" of information and use them as currencies in miniature games. People will be paid to supply people with packets, and the information can be transferred with ordinary consumer level hardware.

We're outjewing the Jews with their own capitalist game.

>implying nodejs is bad
What the fuck are you on about

I trade options and worked for hedge funds. Derivatives have value because they are time based premiums for the creation of synthetic fixed income. Crypto is just glorified data packets. HTTP and TCP/IP protocols are not worth billions or even millions of dollars

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Basically this. There's always a bigger fool.
Once people realize that crypto scarcity is an illusion, it will all go to zero.

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>huuhrhhrruuh hhow can numbers in the bank be money guys LIKE TWTFFFF?!?!?!?!

>Compsci major here
>glorified TCP/IP packets
No you're not.

I take it as if user is implying OP is one of those faggot fresh out of college types that immediately know more than anyone else in the entire company/industry.

Types that say 'this stuff is shit, lets rewrite it' about everything they see - then take 6 months on a 2 week project, introducing loads of bugs. Not that i have much experience with these kinds of fucktards or anything.

how many traders did you wipe out?

>post anti crypto threads in a crypto forum
you must feel pretty smart

its not about scarcity. quite the opposite actually the more liquidity

I sell Vega, it is basically like synethetic fix income as long as you manage risks well

>Compsci major here

Heald college?

Compsci virgins never understand what finance chads do. That’s why you’ll slave away on your “cushy” six figure salary while venture capitalists make the big bucks. If this was 1990s you’d probably say “how is sending a letter using CRT screens going to be valuable?”

God here, can someone explain why you guys are valuing matter hiding behind quantum mechanics that is nonunderstandable by any physical being?

How can something in infinite supply hold value?

Finance chads have been compsci virgins for a long time now, almost 20 years. If you are not in a sales role, you have some sort of math/physics/compsci background

Compsci grad w/ 10 years experience.
Bitcoin was a startup anyone could invest in. Facebook had similar growth but was captured by the wealthy elite (to protect you, the retail investor).
This is a revolution as it's trustless and emergent, not planned and stolen. BTC sucks though go straight alts and host nodes / develop dapps.
This is your kin, trying to wrestle control from the fat lazy incompetent elite.

There's no infinite supply, what are you on about

>21 million coins
>infinite supply
>inb4 muh 20000 scamcoins somehow diminish bitcoin's supply

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Because you're gay

>glorified data packets
Go ahead and try to decrypt one of those data packets, you’ll be a millionaire

so every country in the world is going to be running on 21 million tokens valued at $1 million dollars each?

>tfw you realize you haven't seen this nigga in actual years

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You're gay op.

Yes its basically fix income until that cheeky 1% after the 99% VaR happens

Why? It is just likely porn or some Instagram photo or Facebook feed?

The only thing every country in the world values is gold.

Typical engineering tard who cant see further than his own nose. Its your lack of vision that ensure you will always be a code monkey and nothing more

I did. My company does research based in quantum computing and the task of decrypting these packets is becoming easier each day.

No it's your attraction to other men lmao

let me explain

- tokens are divisible up to 8 decimal points
- people will not hold bitcoin directly, this is why ETF is so big
- its going to be used as a reserve to combat inflation.
- banks are a great use case for BTC. Allows decentralized reconciliation of value. This is basically what the exchanges have become (coinbase, etc)

I never said I was talking about bitcoin, I was talking about crypto in general. But bitcoin's supply is infinite as well since anyone can fork it as many times as they want.

>goes up and down 90% in a year

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Hurr durr wats an internets?

Trustless scarcity. Art is scarce. Securities are scarce. Metals are scarce. Property is scarce. Crypto is an experiment in whether or not scarcity of the capability to utilize software at purpose is greater than the cost to develop and do the work to keep the ledger that software depends on.

>glorified TCP/IP packets
thats not what this is retard. jesus fuck. the absolute state of comp sci faggots.

cringe and bluepilled.

90%? read the charts noob

probably best to leave this to us user.

You’re a terrible fucking liar, nobody can decrypt SHA256 and if you actually could you wouldn’t be talking about it.

Real simple answer without going into a TON of detail is you can't counterfeit crypto and that's why the jew bankers don't want you in on it. All fiat currency that is issued by a central authority is counterfeit. If you don't understand the reasons why then i can't help you. Enjoy your poverty.

Explain general technique or GTFO. Some of us are familiar with this shit.

tell me that "information" isnt valuable, go figure out why fb and google generate insane revenues?
now take that data and encrypt it and retain those rights to use said data for the the user and by the user.

i work in finance too and im a registered IAR but you have seem like you have your head stuck so far up your ass to even know whats going in emerging technology

But which coin will hold the value? Everybody keeps saying that one coin will win out on top eventually, but we still see bitcoin at the top, which is the inferior coin. The only reason it's still valued so high is because of the hype generated by its name, and maybe the backstory behind its creation. People thought bitcoin cash was going to be the king, but despite the better tech, it's still a fraction of the market cap.
So if utility doesn't determine the value of the coin, and scarcity doesn't determine the value, what's going to keep it all from hitting zero?

>Compsci major
>asks questions like this

You're either larping or just very very stupid.

t. CS major aswell

>claims he can crack hash functions that are used by every millitary around the world
>is still browsing a tesco trolly wheel forum

Engaging in personal attacks instead of a technical rebuttal

Yeah nice try, I bet you majored in social “science”

utility does matter, and BTC is in fact functional. If it wasnt functional, none of this would exist. The utility is what supports value. you describe BTC as inferior, but to what? Its like comparing a horse buggy to a ferrari, but asking which is better a ferrari or lambo. Both are nice cars, but miles ahead of a horse carriage.

above all the most important thing BTC specifically has behind it is its culture. borderless preservation of an idea greater than wealth. its not about money, its about control

Have you taken a cryptography class yet? Blockchain technology allows fault tolerant decentralized networks to operate in which consensus is reached via cryptographically signed proofs. It’s a revolution in cryptography, to say the least. Some ‘less decentralized’ consensus mechanisms can be tolerant up to 80% faulty/malicious actors which is nothing short of incredible...

nice bait

Bitcoin's transaction cost scales with the value of the coin, while other coins have low transaction cost no matter what. It only can handle a few transactions per second while other coins can handle thousands.
Bitcoin is not a ferrari or lambo, its the horse buggy. So if utility/functionality determined the value, why is bitcoin at the top?
>its culture
In other words, hype. And like most hyped up fads, it will fade. Since its value is determined by the hype, the value will fade too.

if good points is bait, call me the master baiter

you can fork bitcoin all you want, but without the computing power to secure the network it's easily attacked, which makes forks worth shit compared to bitcoin and pointless.

Have fun decrypting those quantum proof algorithms : )

Same reason people pay thousands of dollars for pieces of plastic and metal.

is the Apple culture disappearing? bet their laptops will be cheaper too? hahah ok bro

People dont just own Apple stock, they buy MS too

Bitcoin cash didn't have the computing power at first, yet it was still worth hundreds because of hype and people were mining it at a loss. Are you telling me this could never happen again? How many will there be before people realize this is infinite?

Apple isn't a fad, its a brand with intense marketing and psychological manipulation to get people to buy it.

it has about 8% of the sha256 hashrate and is worth about 8% of a bitcoin.
think it through.

>master baiter
Lol masturbater

geology major here
Can someone explain to me why you guys are valuing shiny rocks at billions of dollars?

youre proving my point even more

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Your point is that bitcoin is the apple of crypto? What that means it will always be overpriced garbage that people buy because of name branding? Bitcoin isn't a brand, dude. It's a fad. It's hype. It doesn't have a marketing team like Apple does.

You can exchange them to women for blowjobs. Only ugly fat dumb neckbeards want crypto though.

Philosophy BA grad here
Can someone explain to me why you guys are valuing glorified human existence at billions of dollars?

there's literally jobs in CA right now where people are paid $100K+ salaries to be the "Chief Visionary Officer" and "Chief Diversity Officer"

pooint is everything is in a bubble. the human race is in a massive bubble. there's not enough resources to feed and satisfy the wants/needs of 7 billion people. my parents are comfy boomers with a fridge full of food and they are still UNHAPPY because they're not constantly vacationing in some exotic place.

>printing fake bitcoins
Being this much uninformed and not knowing what you're talking about. Go back to facebook normie

>tell autist #1 this isn't a programming discussion
>autist #2 reads this as a programming discussion and spergs out
like clockwork

>I bet you majored in social “science”

Interesting projection. Guess we found out your real major then.

>glorified data packets.
Stick to trading options. It's obvious that crypto currencies are way above your pay grade and IQ level.

my point is the idea has been born, we're just watching it unfold. sure, Bitcoin is a fad, biz bro, just like the internet, US government, and Christianity

whores accept bitcoin as payment
they don't accept gold

based time machine poster

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Comp Engineer dropout here, no clue, but Im retired now. Enjoy your wage slave life.

what are you gonna tell me? that gold hasn't been suppressed that way for years? you want to tell me that (((they))) will play by the rules and actually have a bitcoin backing every single IOU that they sell? are they gonna prove it by being transparent with the wallets and making it possible to redeem my IOU? or are we just gonna trust (((them)))?


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stick to worrying about the tech and leave shitcoin shilling to us you fucking nerd

>compsci major

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Well technically, it's at least 10% money

13 year-old here
Can someone explain to me why humanity are valuing glorified pieces of paper at billions of dollars?

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tfw you a software engy who know Netflix uses Nose.js

Dont mock the suicidal user.
They are still hodling their worthless cyber-tulips.

every (((jew))) is whaling it up moron
are you literally retarded?

paper major here
Can you explain to me why you are valuing glorified pieces of paper at billions of dollars?

because they have security strips in them

Comp sci major here...
That is my boss...
Fuck my life...

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do you have any arguments against what I said?
How can you be sure the etf won't create artificial supply thus driving the price down whenever (((they))) want? it will be gold 2.0 making the goyim believe they can be independent from the gobernment and inflation, but on a short leash

Shut up nerd!

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When bitcoin hits 50k we’re all gonna make it anyways, who gives a shit

Why do software engineers deserve to get paid 100k starting when they just generate abstract ideas all day?

Only 21 million. If a few million are locked up in ETFs and exchanges have millions being bought its pretty simple to do the math.