fact the state of Nagaland in India is 90% Protestant Christian of which 75% are Baptist making Nagaland both more Christian and more Baptist than any US state.
Fact the state of Nagaland in India is 90% Protestant Christian of which 75% are Baptist making Nagaland both more...
Nagaland is barely Indian ethnically.
They are tribals.
They will abandon their retarded ways and enter the derma in time
their is no Indian ethnicity
Because of Amerimutt autism fuelled mass conversions of tribals
What is "Indian" ethnicity?
There's nothing like that.
Balkanisation when?
Never because balkanizing India would need to create 1000s of new states. India alone would have more countries than rest ofthe world combined.
Lots of Pakistani tribes are missing here. I don't see Hindko, Sairaki, Khowar etc.
>East Hindi
This is autism, pic related is more apt.
stupid nigger.
ye, it's more like this now. Hindi belt has more or less been unified.
Which is kind of sad because we're losing our individual identities
Fuck off Bihari panchodhe
>more Baptist than any US state.
That really isnt a positive.
Based Map. Thanks.
u wot m8
Are they megachurch baptists or snake-handler baptists?
bound to happen. people all over the world learn english now.
personally, i think english and hindi/urdu are good languages but english and hindi """people""" act too smug about their language and like pretentious faggots. i say we kill them all and then we can use their languages.
based and redpilled
Can someone redpill or share info on the any of this:
In Afghanistan: Know none of the tribes in Afghanistan, except the Pashtuns, and based Balochi's and Brahuis. What happens in these places and with these people?
In Nepal: Magars, Tamangs, Kirtatis. Didn't know Newar's were such a small minority, Newari Buddhists are pretty well known, because they're kinda close to Hindus, in terms of religious practice.
In India: Bhili, Nimadi, Malwai, Bagheli, Gondi, Ho, Malthis, Kurukhs, Sythetil, Arakanes, Boroks, Chen. What the hell! There are also many tribes that are not mentioned. What the hell is "Arunachal Pradesh Tribes", there's Adi, Monpa, Deori, etc. even among "Manipur tribes" there's a lot of division: Paithei, Meithei, Kuki, etc.
And Sri Lankan Moors., WTF?
i work with a bunch of indians and a bunch of chinese in my job, and i have to say indians are 10x better than chinese. indians are based and I'm looking forward to India really coming into its own on the world stage.
Moors is just what the Portuguese called Sri Lankan Muslims and the name stuck
Okay, that makes sense. have you been on any vacations to the mountainous areas on the north? What happens there? Looks real comfy in the photos.
What is this emotion?
Oh Kannada
My home and native land
Oh great brown south
Glorious and free
Oh Kannada I stand on guard for thee
Chritso-Bhuddism when?
>They will abandon their retarded ways and enter the derma in time
this nippon-san speaks the truth.