>I'm not gonna have children because I can't afford them.
I'm not gonna have children because I can't afford them
How is that a bad excuse?
You honestly think blacks, mexicans, arabs, etc give a fuck if they can afford kids or not? They have them and daddy government pays for it.
Those kids have terrible lives and grow up to be bad people usually. I dont see how that supports your argument.
how much for american child
>I'm not going to have children because I hate kids and I myself refuse to "grow up" or "mature" so I'm still a kid mentally
Also I dont think there are too many arabs in the US on the dole
You can always afford children, you're just lazy
t. Billy Bob Robertson III from Mobile Alabama
>no sex education has been linked to a higher rate of teen pregnancy
>public schools are constantly being defunded in order to line the pockets of people who have money inside of private schools
>minorities for the most part go to public schools
Put two and two together.
Don't act like they're just making babies just to take gubment bux, when it's a failure of our system.
you can keep blaming individuals and their morals all they long, people are not gonna act better without systemic changes.
all day long*
how did i manage to get this wrong.
>reduce any incentives for people to have children
>wondering why the population isn't growing and the economy is going into shitter
>wondering why people aren't having children
Get the corporate cock out of your mouth
Don't act like minorities are the only ones with teen pregnancy problem.
By actually funding public schools it'd severely lower the amount of pregnancIes, but half the country supports defunding everything and giving corporations their money instead. Not everything needs to be privatized.
Population decrease is only a problem because capitalism needs it.
>I'm not gonna have children because nobody will ever fuck with me.
>Not everything needs to be privatized.
Cops heading to your house to flush out the gommie in 3... 2... 1...
based for being honest
I'm no commie.
I just understand that education, prison, and healthcare shouldn't have profit at the top of their priorities.
I was being ironic senpai. Privatized essential services (water, energy, 90% of healthcare, fire services, police, prisons, courts and a few others) are just a retarded idea. Fleece the many for the profit of the very few + moral hazards
not gonna have kids because of environmental concerns more than anything else. the world does not need more humans, i mean sure, if i wont have kids someone else will but i can live with my decision. i enjoy my life, kids would immediately make my life depressing and i wont be able to have fun any more
You never know
Some people unironically believe that putting people over profit is essentially communism.
I'm never having children because I'm a socially inept indio, with no self esteem and life skills. I'm not fit to be a parent, and would hate to pass on my genes. Thx.
As a Hispanic, I know of ZERO hispanics in my social group that have ever gotten a food stamp in their lives. The only "wellfare" that we is probably free education up to high school, free lunch in High school. That's it.
lol middle eastern people are now starting to acknowledge that this has become a problem too.
t. middle eastern
some people aren't garbage humans like you and know they can't provide the best for their kid so they don't have it. their life isn't revolving around being an incel and imaginary racial delusions.
free housing
free education
free emergency healthcare (yes if you enter a hospital they can not turn you away)
non existent tax rates
you know just a net loss of thousands of dollars a year per person nothing too grande
>nobody i know did something so it never happened anywhere else
showing that hispanic intellectual prowess
I'm not gonna have children because it's wrong.
not gonna have any because i dont want to spread my uggo genes
this is why i'll stick (it in) to boys, thank you very much
>Free Housing
Fucking WHERE?!
This is the first time I hear of this. I know of section 8 housing, and senior housing, but not fucking free housing.
>Free Education
Like everyone else? White bois also go to high school for free my dude. Hispanics pay taxes too.
>free emergency healthcare
how is this welfare? I went to the ER once, and got slapped with a 2K bill. I paid it in full.
Most people get charged for going. The government doesn't pay shit. Also, failing to pay healthcare bill isn't an exclusive hispanic thing.
> non existent tax rates
WTF? I didn't know America had different tax brackets according to race.
They don't. Stop talking out of your ass.
Having a kid seems like so much work and so much bullshit, I'm not sure I would be able to handle it
Just giving you my perspective, Pedro.
Sorry, I'm not brown trash.
Free education accessible to everyone is welfare?
Not being turned away from healthcare isn't welfare. You still get billed after you leave. You just can't be refused.
If you work, you get taxed
How can someone make a post where half of it is wrong?
White bois don't know what welfare is.
Seething wh*Toid
show me dis free housing, sounds dope