Germany = based
Poland = cringe
Germany = based
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>the country with the most migrants hates america
really makes ya wonder
you know those 6 on top ended up positive because americans had no clue where they even were on the map
never trust a european
wtf i love germany now?
>most europeans hate americans
HOLY based
get the FUCK off my continent yankee
am I the only one who got this graph wrong? isn't it supposed to be the us views on other countries?
>continentals using the term yankee
holy mega cringe
What's up with all the Balkan states? Why would they be positive to us? Did we give them weapons? Money? or something?
It's how EU countries view the US
In the Communist days the US was seen as a bastion of liberty. Nowadays you're considered a bodyguard against Russia.
>the biggest shitholes in the EU are the ones that likes USA the most
really activates the almonds
funnily enough the balkan countries are also the ones that like russia the most
we experienced US American influence and see our countries become shitholes
That second chart is mostly comprised of nostalgic boomers and pseudo-nationalists who for some reason are obligated to love Russia
and china as well
Interesting. Never realized people like China more than us.
This, most bullshit a lot in these surveys. Literally the most dishonest virtue signallers will be the Germanic people, like from Austria up to Skandinavia.
You're both disliked here
takeaway from these 3 graphs is that western europe for the most part is fairly independent while eastern europe is a slut for superpowers
croatia's result is pretty surprising though
True. From all the countries that were used for Russian money laundering only Spain and France did something about it.
Yeah but people liked us less than Chinese. That's what baffles me.
why netherlands hate evryone
rich and developed european countries generally favour europe or at least independence from global super powers, the case in netherlands can also be made for sweden, denmark, germany, france, malta, and the uk, and a bunch more that show their bias to one of those countries (finland, belgium, portugal, spain, italy, ireland)
who the fucks like germans
people here wont stop complaining of their sweatshops and kauflands
this is a fucking terrible way to display this information
next time mohammed rapes a German daughter, these moron maybe grow out of their edginess
Oh no German parasites biting the hand that feeds them. How surprising.
Germs should be nuked when they had a chance.
Surprised to see such a strong reaction from the Dutch, Swedes and Danish. Anyone knows why that is?
I wonder why Euros would even hate USA.
Because of rapefugees and terrorism
Americans aren't terrorists nor refugees.
how ironic
wait we're *THIS* cringe? holy hell
They don't, just Europe. And Europe didn't until 2016-2017 for obvious reasons.
Look at those ratings plummet.
>wait we're *THIS* cringe? holy hell
how ironic
eastern europeans think their fat fren will protect them from mother russia.
Germany gets twice the money in pays through the EU trade agreement.
They have the interest.
Also Russia fear mongering is bad and I don't like American army. You have to have nuclear weapon to be truly safe.
What happened that the American view of eu has worsened so?
China produces household brands, has interesting culture, doesn't bomb countries and has higher standards of living than Russia. Fairly simple.
How is that ironic, retard? Poland is one of the more pro EU countries.
G*rmans are a bunch of brainwashed NPCs. "Lel fuck Drumpf! Climate change is important! Refugees welcome!" That's the mind of the German responder.
You are literally the last person I would like to get opinion from. Don't reply to me again
You have to go back.
China is pretty hated tho.
Their economy and past is related to Russia more than EU, surprised by the D*tch since If I recall correctly they are some of the big traders with Russia too.
UK, Germany, France, Sweden, Belgium don't really matter since they are literally brainwashed and butthurt about their historic failures and attempts at dominating Russia.
Faggot enabling countries are probably unironically mad at Russia's stance in faggots. Netherlands also have the Malaysian plane nuked by Ukraine to seethe at.
fuck you germkike, joined you autist fucks in two world wars, lost them both and got fucked by communism because of it and you still give us less gibs then fucking Slovakia!?!
get ready for a fresh new batch of gypsies directly into your nearest town, cunt
Most of those who have positive opinions have China investingbon their countries and doing trades with them, I think Japan is the only one competing with China for Bulgaria and Hungary for example.
we don't discriminate any nation. it's right way to do it.
not really surprising, in eastern Europe Russians might be disliked for their imperialist ways but in the west, well Russians are considered vatnik subhumans, lower then the muslim refuges, general opinions on Russians there is cheap whores and violent criminals
Those great "partners"only destabilize countries and fund "revolutions" and "springs" in front of the European doors to save their dollars and serve Israel. I wonder where will they go...especially when the US doesn't take them or any from the other similar cases in south and central america. Since they are in NATO UK and Frenchfags will also join to tongue them and bomb arabs and co and trigger more extremists and migrant flux.
>He expects a SJW government to give his country more gibs because they fought with the Nazis
and this usually comes from Luxemburg
You only love the mafia states that are similar to you like Azerbaijan or Turkmenistan or other steppe dictatorial shit.
>liked in the eu
What meme dimension is that?
Were the poll questions some tricky ones?
yeah that wouldn't surprise me with most of the people that rate usa/russia higher either
Go protest more about climate change, cunt.
Is that so? Why do you still use Zloty, then?
>hates nato but wanted to join it
>hates eu but want(ed?) to join it
>hates russia but backpedals and cries when russia puts sanctions and stops the tourists
>hates china but lives on trades with it
>hates israel but it's actually based here
uhhhm sorry sweaty, but we were your first allies, meaning we were the first victims of Nazi germany.
pay reparations for trauma inflicted on us when you forced us to kill all the Serbian,greek and Macedonian jews
If you care so much why aren't you asking the same question of Sweden or Denmark?
since we start to get immigrants from there i keep hearing people shittalking about other turkics too except azeris, they are too similar to us.
Because I replied to a Polak. Are you stupid?
Because people would cry if they saw their monthly wage in 3 digits
whatever you say, disingenuous krautshit cockpuppet
Wew did I hit a nerve?