Life in the third world is literally paradise. Your countries are beautiful, sunny and rich. Your women are beautiful and obedient. They may be cheap whores but firstie women are statistically more promiscuous.
If you say "Mom, maybe I should get a job or a girlfriend" Mom will respond "What for? You're only 30!"
You can do whatever you want. Then you work comfy jobs for a couple decades. Firsties work hard soulless jobs from ages 18-70! You idiots! You can not suffer.
You have extremely close relations with your family members, many of you have probably even had sex with your sisters/mom.
You don't have to worry about anything.
>B-b-b-but muh crime!!! Oh wow, you got robbed and the thief took the five euros you had in your pocket. What a great loss! A poor person should not worry about crime since you have nothing to lose. Dumb greedy bastards.
>b--b-b-b-b-but muh poverty!! you have everything you need and more.
What can thirdies complain about? What can you be sad about? You have EVERYTHING!
lol faggot, just move in with your family and be a neet if you are bothered by it so much
Wyatt Miller
I live with my family im 19 and i still dont talk to them!! You thirdie idiot. You can't possibly understand suffering. You can't understand what a soulless country this is
Gavin Barnes
third world is literally the same as first world except there are no jobs and everyone has low iq
>Firsties work hard soulless jobs from ages 18-70!
says the fucking finn, who gets all of his expenses paid for by welfare for life
eat shit firstie
Jayden Hill
>Your countries are beautiful, sunny and rich. Isn't Finland full of forests and beautiful scenery? >Your women are beautiful and obedient. They may be cheap whores but firstie women are statistically more promiscuous. Women of any race can look great, I don't get why people want women as slaves >If you say "Mom, maybe I should get a job or a girlfriend" >Mom will respond "What for? You're only 30!" The fucking self awareness
Grayson Cruz
>Firsties work hard soulless jobs from ages 18-70!
Literally the same anywhere, but 4th world african shitholes.
Austin Cruz
based and true thirdies will lie to keep paradise to themselves
Grayson Hall
This is true. It's pathetic when thirdoids pretend to suffer.
Dominic Price
have sex
Ryder Smith
look at your average thirdie family
>all live in the same area >help each other out >cousins are all friends >aunts and uncles like second parents do NOT want to see the average firstie family
nah, our families can be quite trashy sometimes and have been adapting to the american way of egoism
Xavier Stewart
>many of you have probably even had sex with your sisters/mom. I wish
Grayson Miller
incel anime cuck
Thomas Lewis
puerto rico is a weird case, you guys are kinda like an unlucky hawaii. it sucks that there is split voting for statehood because US will always treat you guys like shit until then (and maybe after too). im a chicano and i wish we could add you as a state
Connor Williams
>What for? You're only 30! you are confusing the 3rd world with southern europe, we start taking care of ourselves by age 12
wow nice country, would live there wait I already do
Daniel Lewis
Why don't you move here, user? i'll be your overprotective latino mommy if you want
Michael Turner
Dont listen to this fag OP Switch with me, take my 3rd world life
Levi Rogers
>>If you say "Mom, maybe I should get a job or a girlfriend" >Mom will respond "What for? You're only 30!" wtf is this true
Dominic Long
with how live and my personality i think i would enjoy life in third world better than 1st. but then again i dont care because i live in my comfy ghetto and rarely leave it anyway.