How does one cope with crippling depression?

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Other urls found in this thread: antidepressant

Medication or suicide seem to be the two top problem solvers in this arena.

lil bit of wine, a stripper, and some decent music

i shitpost on biz

SSRI drugs, therapy, and meetings for support. Also, having a game plan in place if you want to die and kill yourself. I had to lock myself up twice because I wanted to really kill myself badly. I sliced open my arm, still have the scars. I lost everything and couldn't see a way out something in me was telling me to hold on. I take life one day at a time, one moment, one minute if I need to. You only got one life, there's no respawn if you die.

1. be with people, talk about what you feel like
2. exercise
3. not a lot of sugar or carbs
4. sleep
5. drink water, no soda
6. find a social hobby
7. get sunlight, or, if not possible, vit. d supplement
8. groom
9. find a romantic partner, or try to improve yourself so that you can at least date
10. buy 100k link

Hope you're doing better nowadays.

>Theres no respawn when you die

Thank fucking God. The chances of being reborn into a better life get lower every day. Looks at all the shitstain pieces of human garbage walking the planet. The end better fucking be it.

I got into private military contracting, left the USA and now I spend 6 months doing mercenary shit, and the other 6 months balls deep in teenage asian pussy.

Having felt "depressed" in years. Honestly it's just the malaise of decedent western living eating at the souls of men who instinctively crave adventure, challenge, and conquest.

Humans evolved to overcome environmental challenges. Without that stimulus, males wither.

All I know is that if there is an eternal afterlife, and a god does exist, I will destroy them. If it truly is eternal, then there is a near 100% chance that I will eventually succeed with an infinite timeframe to work with.

>I will destroy them
To think there is a God out there who could remove autism of this scale with one small hand gesture

Because i'm gay

>balls deep in teenage asian pussy.

Can you elaborate on that?

I'm trying to crawl out of it without medication but it's been hard.

I show off my wealth and pick up 18-19 year old asian women in asia and fuck them. If they are sane and fun I take them on trips with me.

youre a fuckin loser

No nerd, I'm the definition of a fucking winner.

I make 6 figures busting my ass for 6 months a year, and the rest of the time I have sex with beautiful, exotic women while visiting beautiful, exotic places.

Stay mad, peasant.

I spend money because it's a recursive circle of feeling better while getting depressed just to spend more money.

>makes 6 figures
>calls other poorer peasants peasant
kek fyi you aren't any better

Lsd, ketamine, kratom, DXM, benadryl, high CBD ratio weed, weed edibles

I'm doing much better miles away from where I was, found some joy in my life. Life isn't always awful, I changed my perspective but it took awhile.

You're a depressed nerd virgin. I get it. Get out there and do some stuff. You will feel better, I promise.

Clean. Your. Room.

Read 12 Rules for Life by Dr. Jordan Peterson. Thank me later.

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you fuck girls that take literally zero effort to actually fuck.
you do you but don't act like a chad when you're that 30 year old boomer fucking poor soul less chinks.

I'd like to know too
I kholed yesterday and the shit is suposed to be antidepressive but I cried like a bitch while coming down, it's a really introspective drug and it made me realize my life is even shittier than I thought it was

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I recently got this doge and she forces me to wake up early which fixed my sleep schedule and go outside for walks 3 times a day, which makes me get a lot more vitamin d from the sun. Mood is considerably better.

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You're probably not depressed. Just bored.


I didn't find Ketamine to have any type of anti-depressant effects

The only drug that "worked" was Pregabalin (Lyrica), the high is pure bliss...but yeah it's also physically and psychologically addictive


i'm 31, dealt with depression since I was about 15, so my entire adult life.

I'll give you the best tips for getting over it, but I won't lie, it takes effort and work on your part, you have to drag yourself out of the slump and actually TRY to improve your situation as difficult as it might be.

>go outside more during the daylight, get some sun
>socialize occasionally, isolating yourself for weeks/months is not good even if you become used to it
>find something productive to do, something you can measure, whether that's fitness/gym work, career, hobby, whatever, but always try to be reaching milestones
>spend less time LEISURE time on the internet - work/business is one thing, but if you're spending 8 hours of free time per day browsing Jow Forums you're going to become miserable
>if you constantly find yourself bored/apathetic it means you're spending too much time doing something unproductive. Force yourself to change routine, try to quit bad habits
>improve your diet, stop eating junk food and sugar. Try a no-carb diet (ketogenic) and you can improve your health and lose a ton of weight if that's something you need to do
>if your depression is based around self-image, realize that you're probably not as bad off as you think - we're our own worst critics, if you think you're ugly, you might be a little ugly but not as bad as you believe.
>read motivational books or listen to motivational podcasts. Depressed people often write off the idea of "motivational encouragement" as some kind of self-help scam, but it can really help, and where's the real scam if you don't actually pay for anything? (hint: pirate it)

Anyway that's some of what I have. I basically changed my life around completely, went from a fat, lonely, miserable fuck in my mid 20s to being quite fit, less lonely, and having a lot more purpose in my life now. Maybe you can't fully beat your depression but you can find ways to manage it and improve your circumstances.

If you're in a bad state of mind, you probably shouldn't be doing psychedelics.

>I didn't find Ketamine to have any type of anti-depressant effects
I got scammed by this antidepressant
now i'm bagholding ketamine :^s

Do you have to have military experience or is there some kind of training I can get to get in.

This is actually solid advice man, thanks for taking time out of your day to write this.

Yeah I was pretty underwhelmed with Ket too

I tried DXM and had a positive and euphoric afterglow for 3-4 days, nothing with Ketamine...but as I said nothing came close to pregabalin, not even opiates

dunno maybe it's the other isomer that has antidepressive activity, I got S-Ket

It's meant to be micro dosed

same with using mdma or lsd for non recreational purposes (alleviating anxiety/depression, boosting creativity/lateral thinking)

microdose it fren, if you can feel it after a pop you've taken too much

from personal experience, micro-dosing lsd was extremely beneficial, took a few weeks before i noticed anything and it was so subtle, the transition is an ongoing one.

It was pharma grade Ketamine (synthesized by Bayer), i know there is also norketamine and another metabolite (??), but it wasn't that

But yeah drugs affect each one of us differently, kind of ironic that I had better results with DXM

Listen to me user. I had been on Lexapro,/Citalopram and Xanax for years. Got comometely brainfogged and empty. Decided to find some alternatives.
4 things I can recommend:

1,Start using CBD oil. Literal lifechanger wonder product from heaven. Bluebird Botanics is best. Cannawell in EU
2, Start taking 5HTP. Increases serotonin and you will be able to sleep nicely. (also great dreams) if u r on ssri or similar need to stop it for a few days before taking 5htp
3, take shrooms. I tried it once months ago and still has an impact on me. Gamechanger
4,once you are calmer and see purpose again start fucking training, preferably in groups and never stop. I do thai box and crossfit now.

Good luck!

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>get gf
I lost before even starting. Only reason I'm depressed.

This is the best advice on here op.
Dunno about buying link though.
Fucking link, if this shit moons I might slide into depression myself.

Then again I wouldn't know from personal experience so don't listen to me

Literally don't do any of these besides maybe weed. Addiction ruins lives, even if it's something as harmless sounding as kratom.

Oh look, it's the dragon ordnance guy again...

just deal with it you gay nigger faggot

holding an xrp bag is a choice user. sell and buy something else

I'm with you user...
Im gonna fuck god up the ass... Given infinite opportunity its a dead cert...


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i just set a timer for an hour and a half and set all my phones and electronics to the side and i just sit there with myself and cry and i don't try to fill the void i jist know myself and then i feel better. also i exercise


Okay but what if I’m not in high school and I’m not a nigger?

150mg of adrafinil

1000 mg of aniracetam

above nootrpics to stay functioning and not fall asleep, amazing mood regulation -> use these opportunities to work on your life and your depression is a goner

worked a miracle for me so god damn happy I'm out of this mess/ Gl anons

Literally fake it 'til you make it.

This is for you OP
Never give up
Don't be a pussy

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Don't worry your Jow Forums bros are going to cheer you up
I might get fired from my 76K a year job for being a retard.

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a few drops of weapons grade autism does wonders

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>just go outside bro
shut the fuck up retard

One cleans up his room

>I'm straight, in my early 20s
>tfw couldn't care less about finding a romantic partner, so I don't even bother talking to women
>tfw not even depressed, I'm actually quite satisfied with my life

I have truly ascended.

I usually just recommend 1 thing:
Break your daily routine.

Even if it just means driving to a different store to buy your food for the week. Little by little you'll open up to break your routine more and more.

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sounds pretty soulless desu bro. plus you're making your money within the world of war profiteering, so you are the lowest of the low, just absolute scum

For me it began my realizing that the environment and everyone in it is a significant source of your problems. Go through all your relationships and ask what's in it for me.

From there it was a matter of cutting off the dead weight, actively trying to better myself via therapy, exercise, and reading philosophy, and actively guarding myself from bad people and mental states.

Depression is fucking awful and it is portrayed so wrong in media. People can handle sadness and pain, but depression is just a horrible numbness. It's a great 0. Oh, your wife gave birth? That's nice I guess. Oh, you broke up with your gf? Whatever. Fuck that shit. That's barely even human.


Steel reserve

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based. I'm planning on buying some 5htp soon and I always hear shrooms can be incredible for your mental state.

Heroin. It'll take away your depression. You'll feel like superman. You'll also fuck up your life so bad you'll have no choice but to come back stronger & better than ever.

Honestly, good shit for my poor white ass.

If your life isn't shit but you're still depressed consider an antidepressant
Start with SSRI's as your doc will almost guaranteed will, I'm thinking of switching to NDRI's myself for my advanced depression (someone got any input?)
Psychotherapy is a fucking life changer. I did I.O.P after attempting to literally cut my own head off, shit got better for months, then slowly got a lil worse but still alot better.
Listen to this guy that says go the fuck outside. I'm living proof that it's necessary. I'm not doing it and even with SSRI's and fucking psychotherapy I feel "eh" and not actively trying to die, but still could be a whole hell of a lot better.
Recently started exercising on my own accord and planning my diet, lost 50 lbs and shit, feel alot better. Just gotta get over being a NEET.

Being disabled + on dialysis in one's EARLY 20's and just generally an incel NEET is alot of work not to commit suicide.

On armodafinil for a prescribed reason, was a bitch but hey free nootropics.
Literally fucking life changing, 18 hours a sleep a day to fucking like 9. Oh and when you drink coffee you literally have 0 (zero) depression.

Staying is one space is like the number one cause of depression you lazy retard.

Every person has a drive to do better. Chad discovers it naturally. For us sad fucks we have to reach bottom before we grow so fucking sick of ourselves that we do something about it.

Adderall helps a lot I guess. I was medicating myself illegally until I had to pass random drug tests. Those prevented me from working on stims so I had to get a prescription. Went to a psychiatrist that did ADHD treatment, got diagnosed with ADHD and got my drug of choice.

Amphetamine is a fucking godsend. It turns me into Chad for a few hours. Anyone watched the movie Limitless? You take notes from your Chad self even when you're not on meds. I can't believe I used to be so introverted. Life's great.

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