Can you feel it? It's starting.
LINK being considered for Kaleido Blockchain, yet another Consensys partner
Look at who kaleido is affiliated with. The network effect is fucking real lads
if link moon finally req will moon
You don't believe this do you? There's no need for REQ if we have LINK.
No, REQ will moon if they finish their own work, you fucking brainlet
Also, not sure if this has already been posted but look who retweeted the Openlaw announcement; the co founder of Ethereum Joseph Lubin
>You don't believe this do you? There's no need for REQ if we have LINK.
i still dont even know what req is for. seems like they have a lot of smart people working for them ($40 mozzerela and all that), but what the fuq does it do?
It's supposed to support decentralized payments and accounting, the latter of which hasn't even been started on yet
Jesus christ we are going to moon to $5 in a month or two
This is actually incredibly bearish for chainlink, you fucking retard.
Why do you keep saying that? You like bobo?
but you can do that with a smart contract using LINK, why would people need REQ?
because of branding? sounds pretty stupid to me
I am unironically erect
Reminder ic3 is co founder of eea and a key factor to eth success. Juels is the absolute mvp.
Unironically rent free by 2019 if you have a stack of 10K or more
>tfw just over 10k
They're making it so that you don't have to build all of the contracts. It's software as a service; use their adapters for decentralized payments of any currency to the one that you want, with a small fee in request tokens that burn on use. Then use their contracts to easily compile an audit of transactions. Normally the ledgers are in each separate business silo and have to be resolved, but using block-chain it's one central ledger and publicly audit-able by anyone who knows the key for the business.
Strap in marine and hold on tight
It’s true, all of it
Perfect, I was looking for that one.
Thanks fren. We are unironically making it as we speak.
nice find user
It's the Microsoft chain's Link project. This has literally nothing to do with Chainlink, stop giving these poor idiots hope.
Checked user, iron hands will quite literally turn into gold.
It’s getting closer anons. The rocket is fueled.
>lonk is being (((considered))) among many others by a basedboy startup
>2500 eoy guys! This is it!
Put your hands up if you own over 100k LINK
Wow now Link is partnered with not one but 2 shitcoins
Can you just shut the fuck up with this news? I‘m fucking salty that this shit is still under 1$... I was done accumulating in February... now fucking summerfags and redditors buying it this low reeeeeeeeeee
I missed Chain’s Link