Fuck you

i hate this racist pol tier board. fuck you all except egypt and greece.
fuck Australia. fuck Germany who bully my cunt. fuck Sweden. fuck amerikan cuck who bully me always. fuck anglo British.

leaving this shit board for good. if you see mt flag here then it might be the other anime gay poster. not me.
cope and have sex incels.

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sorry bud, for some reason Jow Forums invaders have made everything racist again.

I'm an American of Mexican descent so I know how you feel, I feel same IRL

I want a syrian gf

based. See you tomorrow

Back to bed Al-Bashir

We are not racist, for a small fee I carry you in my lorry to Germany

hey man, it sucks, but that's just how Jow Forums is.
You'll always have a place in /mena/ if you go there.

The other syrian gayposter is miles better than you
