Be me 14yo

>be me 14yo
>smart as fuck
>like "gifted" level of smart
>friends dare me to do this thing called puffing
you basically huff and puff really aggressively and then pinch your nose, close your mouth and breathe out really hard. after that you go sort of unconscious for like ten seconds like a zombie then come back in a daze. Did this like 4 or 5 times in one day. It does this because you basically starve oxygen off from your brain.

>after this day i became dumb as hell
>forgetting shit all the time
>have to reread sentences like 3 or 4 times just do register it in my head
>mfw i literally gave myself brain damage and ruined my chances of making it

crypto is my last hope. godspeed anons

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Quit larping. If you're here on this website you're not smart.

nah dude you are just stupid. i've had over 9 severe concussions from football/other injuries.

Also shit coin is dead

Same in rugby. Wish I played after they started caring about this shit

if you were smart, you wouldn't be puffing

>after this day i became dumb as hell

its different. I had been knocked out twice before this incident as well from rugby and was fine. Starving your brain from oxygen is no joke... and doing it multiple times as well >:*(

oh hello fellow fren. are you a britbong as well?

yes but i never played puffing at school

lol once again, no, you're just dumb. also underage b& probably

i have deprived my brain of oxygen daily for over 4 years through tobacco with no noticeable effects. i also have been choked unconscious several times.

>I had been knocked out twice before this incident as well from rugby and was fine. Starving your brain from oxygen is no joke... and doing it multiple times as well >:*(
nah youre just a fucking idiot, your brain cells shouldnt start dying for at least several minutes. you just dont know what youre talking about. why do you think it takes people several minutes to drown.

fuck off with your bro-tier middle school science

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i also used to do these in bulk with some degen frens

literally depriving my brain of oxygen hundreds of times. you're just dumb

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then explain it cunt. Explain why i felt so much dumber after this day. explain why my grades went from A's to C's for the rest of secondary school and 6th form (high school, for you amerimutts)

because you're dumb, check above

You were never smart to begin with.

like i said
youre just dumb:

"The brain can survive for up to about six minutes after the heart stops. The reason to learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is that if CPR is started within six minutes of cardiac arrest, the brain may survive the lack of oxygen. After about six minutes without CPR, however, the brain begins to die. (See How CPR Works to learn more about the procedure.) Prompt resuscitation allows the physician time to assess and treat the damaged brain. Medication and mechanical ventilation permit tissue oxygenation, but severe brain damage or a prolonged period without oxygen or glucose causes the death of the brain."

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>be smart as fuck
>do dumb as rocks things
I salute your retardedness, user

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>Prompt resuscitation allows the physician time to assess and treat the damaged brain
>damaged brain
you godamn idiot. you literally just said yourself that my brain got damaged from this shit.

Don’t worry OP you didn’t damage you’re brain. You are just dumb. Dumb enough to believe that “gifted”and good grades in middle school means you are smart

Well I'm sorry for you OP, brain damage can manifest itself in many ways and just because or aren't aware they're retarded, doesn't mean they're not. Sad to hear your life is ruined because of teenage peer pressure. Can I know what bags you're holding? REQ? LINK?

>you literally just said yourself that my brain got damaged from this shit.
no i didnt;
you just cant read, probably a by-product of being as dumb as you are.

its literally impossible for you to do brain damage to yourself by holding your breath anyway. Areas of the hindbrain (/lowbrain cant remember) would force you to breath.

>t. non stem major