What's being asian in america like?
What's being asian in america like?
>You can't imagine how bad things really are: the photo
90% of the Asian girls here have been brainwashed by "white" beauty standards and lose their Asian cuteness to become disgusting bimbos
Pilipinos live in their own little enclaves in Daly City and South San Francisco. They discriminate against outsiders and remain insular
Probably the same as what being a jew was like in the 50s
the photo would still be cringy without the two mixed couples
60%+ of asian girls keep to other Asians you're just subpar
Do you have trouble reading English? I never said anything about Asian girls dating non Asian guys
Filipinos are based. I have many Filipino friends.
Chinese are cliquish and have terrible manners.
This one Japanese kid was really quiet, dressed nice and watched a lot of anime.
t. chi btw
well, feels bad, because america is a shithole
tiger moms scares away the niggers from baby rice pickers
no one cares that you're a chicano
The worst.
Maybe in your country...
i wanna see an esse with squint eyes say this:
so you're complaining that western raised people have western influences? if you cant fit in go back to asia (but unironically)
I do
attention whore
Implying asian girls in asia wouldn't drop their panties in a sec for a white BVLL.
contrary to cherry-picked webm's spammed by Jow Forums, they really don't care
Asian girls that were born and raised in Asia generally do not go for foreigners unless they are dirt poor. Most of the WMAF couples I see in my parents' country are cases where the girl was born or raised in America
Dirt poor or have white guy fetish
Most of them prefer to live in Asian enclaves. My family lives in Irvine which is like 44% Asian. It's actually very important if you're planning on raising kids to live in such communities. When I was studying on the east coast I had Asian friends who grew up in all-white or diverse communities and their mental health suffered greatly as a result.
Maybe I fell for the meme or maybe it's true, males are mostly lonely, females become cum dumpster, both are successful.
Every girl in your family dates white guys and talks shit about asian guys in front of your face.
You are expected to get a good job, have a stable income but none of that matters because no one wants to fuck you.
go to asia and get a gf
If you emigrate from your country instead of trying to make things better, you're a loser and a traitor.
>females become cum dumpster
Eh the hot ones maybe. Plenty of azn grills are borderline autists who go on to date autistic white/asian men.