What's the real story behind Occupy Wall Street?

What's the real story behind Occupy Wall Street?
I bet that originally it wasn't planned to be a hippy festival.

Attached: 1*pZr8JRvv5twzOB_bIzyhJQ.jpg (736x1115, 106K)

It wasn't

They diluted the cause by bringing out a bunch of hippies and drug addicts to sit around banging bongo drums

Originally it was about record breaking bonuses/salaries for CEOs and how worker productivity and cost of living has risen, but real wages have not. The difference is being taken by the "1%" each year. So wages stay the same each year, products get more expensive. and Mr. Shekelberg takes the difference that would've otherwise been in your paycheck for himself.

This where Democrats and their Jew friends decided they needed to deflect harder to race and gender issues to detract from the obvious rising class divide

Thanks, makes a bit more sense

Is there anyone here who was there? How was it like?

You are a Jew.

Attached: BaIFeI2.jpg.png (829x1475, 889K)

The "progressive stack" doomed Occupy. Look it up

>class division
Commie spotted

>defends (((Wall Street)))
>calls user a jew
What did he mean by this?

I didn't partake in this, I was a courier from out of town making deliveries 2 to 3 times a week to that area at the time.
Its kinda like when you heard the phrase 'Social Justice Warrior' for the first time and you were like 'fuck yeah, justice for all bitches!' and THEN you slowly realize it wasnt at all what you thought SJW meant.
Well Occupy was the same thing. They shipped in loud mouth plebs, niggers and Jews just to garner attention while smelly drug addicts shit all over the place, and it devolved into one big gibsfest for the mediawhore leaders. Worse is that no rich people were effected at all, only the day to day workers who had to fight extra traffic and panhandlers going to work

Attached: socialism.jpg (850x400, 68K)

A lot of libertarians involved inspired by Ron Paul. I think they missed the point cause it was the gov that was bailing out Wall street. The biggest lie among the Millenials today that they swallowed is that Capitalism is bad when what really is the issue is Crony Capitalism which ironically they are now asking for more of with more gov intervention. For this fact alone guarantees when Millenials move into power situations in the coming years The West is FUCKED.

people were angry because government paid off bad debts for big corps with tax payer money

Some tax paying cucks decided to be ultra passive aggressive and occupy space which made the government take action

government places actors inside the occupy movement to do stupid/violent acts so the police have a legit reason to "shut it down"

no more occupy movement.

The end.

Next time it will be a "bail in". it will be interesting to see how that goes.

They shipped those people in to kill it. Just like they shipped in the people holding up signs about niggers at Tea Party rallies. Both the Tea Party and Occupy were two sides of the same coin, both pissed about the same thing from the global financial crisis, and bot were entirely coopted by the mainstream political powers. The first by shoving identity politics to the forefront, the second by just trying to make it an anti-Obama thing and removing all focus from the wars, banks, and Fed.

>tea party and occupy wall street were two sides of the same coin


Occupy was just an "astro-turf" propaganda exercise.
It had 2 main purposes.
1st one was to push certain people into the media spotlight as "spokespersons" for "the youth voice".(this one failed as most people don't know the names of the spoiled children that were being touted as Occupy's leaders)
2nd was to make the Occupy members look like spoiled, clueless, millenial retards. ( which isn't very hard as that's what most of them are)
Someone should dig to see who funded Occupy at it's inception.

I know people who went to Occupy. Two of them had their lives ruined by insane drug addicts who they ended up romantically involved with. Fuck Occupy.

I mostly only saw coverage of it in the national news on the other side of the world, and the whole thing didn't make any sense to me back then. A bunch of extremely "diverse" people drumming on the street, because they don't like the bankers. I remember back then I thought, wow seems like America is sure a weird place.

I mean, yeah, fuck OWS but your two friends are just dumbasses for getting involved with the wrong partners

>government paid off bad debts for big corps with tax payer money
Can you or someone elaborate on this?

>Next time it will be a "bail in"
What do you mean? Paying off tax payer debt?

I could swear it was a secret deep state ops to make young people look like complete retards

Your posts are reminding me to finally look into the details of the Tea Party, thanks

I wouldn't judge them, it happens to the best of us

They are idiots, but Occupy enabled them to smoke DMT in a tent with disgusting squatting crusties and get brainwashed by them. I don't doubt they would have gotten themselves into trouble elsewhere. It just happened to occur soon after a particular death in our friend group and they were not all there in the head. The people they met there preyed on that.

For instance, Ford motors and Chevrolet had to get bailed out of billions of dollars of debt in order to not shut down operations. And the Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac housing lending companies were also bleeding to death. DESU, I always thought it was a little too convenient that all of these companies had their hands out supposedly on the verge of bankruptcy all at the same time.

Strange things, thanks for the explanation.

Btw if you try to google for Occupy Wall Street debt stories, you mostly find Occupy Wall Street campaigners buying up debt (student loans?) to "abolish it", nothing really about corporations.
>housing lending companies
Who would have thought... Very interesting story.

>The Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bailout occurred on September 17, 2008. The U.S. Treasury Department was authorized to purchase up to $100 billion in their preferred stock and mortgage-backed securities. As a result, they were put into conservatorship by the Federal Housing Finance Agency. Keeping the two afloat cost taxpayers $187 billion over time, making it the most massive bailout in U.S. history.

Yeah. There were two ways to avoid what happened:

1. Dont repeal existing regulations that were put in place to keep greedy fucks from overreaching and destroying everything.

2. Dont bailout the greedy fucks that over reach and destroy their companies.

Instead, the goverment relaxed regulations and then bailed out the greedy fucks when they overreached, at the expense of everyone else who was acting honestly.

> The federal takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac was the placing into conservatorship of the government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) by the U.S. Treasury in September 2008. It was one of the financial events among many in the ongoing subprime mortgage crisis.

S... so it was not just hippies drumming on the street