I say No to Korea
Gooks are shit
I say No to Korea
rude. i like my samsung phone
Samsung is shit, The gooks can't do anyhing agaist Huwai that implies ehole attitude of gooks flatter to Chink communists. You gook bitches samsuhit users can't use any US propided platform very near soon.
They may eat dogs, but I'll take them over spics and nigs any day of the week.
huawei got its tech by stealing from samsung lmao. they're just neutral right now between china and USA
> white shit says they like gooks just beacuse they resisted from nig nog thugs
weak motivation
Samshits stole techs everything from Japan and Apple. you moronic gook
GOOKs are economical threats for the US, Japan and Euros, as eual as chinks, you dumb cheaky cunt gook.
>be jap in japan
>get raped by drunk black marine
>be gook in California
>shoot chollos and gang bangers
>japs claim they're superior to gooks
Gooks do not get raped by black thugs.
Even black thugs do not like gook plastics..
It’s always the schizo jap spazzing to lone burger flags about korea
we don’t care about u jap
get laid takushi
You got that right. Japanese women should be grateful they get superior black seed, unlike those K*rean dogeaters.
>>be gook in California
>>shoot chollos and gang bangers
You are a typical gook pretending to be a white guy and past like this to earn white supporters in order to refrain from racism
You are such coward DNA holder gook.
ching chong all rook same
Go home you fucking gook.
The gooks ruin America. Fuck off
Gooks do not care
This gook posts here
How can they manage their logic?
came here to post this
you make the best threads. I support japan now.
China/Russian loving Zainichi-North Korean detected
Gooks can't read.
honestly fuck south korea, i was a yellow fever fag
before i came here.now i am enlightened by based jap poster
China will take over Japan
Xi empire is going to collapse soon by democratic movement from Hong Kong.
you wish it would be, you are next pal
have sex
>Pakistan + china