Americans be like "Oh no I'm feeling a little depressed today lemme swallow these pills instead of seeking a natural...

Americans be like "Oh no I'm feeling a little depressed today lemme swallow these pills instead of seeking a natural remedy to my psychological problem"

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sometimes they swallow a bullet instead lol

>nooo you don't get, it's not my fault I'm feeling bad, please give me drugs and stop telling me to do stuff

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nothing wrong with drugs, Sven

finally a real criticism

lmao do they really

>Americans be like Mummy I just turned 10 years old but I feel funny today I think I'm sick take me to the doctors so he can prescribe me schizophrenia medication thanks mom

>unironically believe in natural remedy

>he fell for the depression meme

>Joke's on you! I only fake it so I get medication that make my 100 hour work week possible!
t. Clueless Americans