
Picked up another bag on the dump. Latest community update is here

Reminder that you will need 1 million to make it in 2020/2021

Attached: nimiq.jpg (696x449, 38K)

People dont know it has zero fees. Wait till that goes viral and we have a new nano. Imo


With zero fees what is the end game? Why would miners continue supporting the network once all coins are in circulation?

500K Nimlet reporting.
Bought some more bags at 35 and 32 sats like a true brainlet.

1$ EOY

>keep DCAing
>remember when ETH fell below $3?

Attached: D5789C41-6B2A-4B48-BB4A-9B90453987F4.jpg (960x647, 133K)


This coin is destined for a moon mission.

Literally bitcoin 2.0. Bitcoin vs Nimiq is literally Myspace vs Facebook. Literally.

me rn

Attached: 1534296929396.jpg (960x647, 174K)

21k to make it?

800 here, will i make it?

That's in a hundred years and the thought is if it is still used the fees will go up to pay the miners

I bought 200k at 51 satoshi, down 50% on this shit

Attached: 1529276228144.gif (250x167, 2.86M)

It's just so well done I can't imagine it staying under 10m mc

Ye, easier to use than a bank. People don't realize that crypto needs to be better and easier to use than banks in almost every way for people to actually want to use it.

Literally feels like I'm stealing from someone at these levels!

>the price drop is actually bullish

Chainlink BTFO!!!

Yea, it's almost like nano except it actually works lol.

Actually works right now
Coded from scratch
Browser based / installation free
Sync in seconds
Active development
Active community
Marketing barely started
4 mil market cap
Ledger support
KYC for ICO holders
Team is actually qualified
Objectively best UI/UX in crypto
Normie friendly af
Only ever shilled on Jow Forums

Did I forget anything? Like I said, destined for moon.

Type proof addresses