GILF edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>what the fuck is the EU user
the rolling stones>the beatles
dropped a jar of mango chutney in my bed my dudes
its not broken but theres chutney all over my sheets
Almost a month on and still missing him lads
Think his service is tomorrow
beach boys > rolling stones > beatles
I mean who hasn't met with and publicly declared their support of Hamas? I see the lads down the pub every weekend
go to bed
what shows that then
blog on
thermodynamics and fluid mechanics
Uno the ting
am i missing something here? why would something from 4th century BC be so cheap? why is everything from that time period so cheap on this auction site?
i'd have thought it'd be 100x the price.
the beach boys are yanks and therefore irrelevent to this particular discussion
got to go to the orthodontist an in hour.
excited about fixing my janked up underbite but not so excited about the whole braces business. i already look 15 as it is.
'ate 'akis me
boris johnson will be the greatest PM since churchill
if you don't agree you're probably low IQ
shut up twink
Shan't be mate thinking about Bob Hawke as aforementioned
Shu Kishi yu ki shoki shoki shoki settei
Ukauka shitetara sugu sotsugyō
Chu ki chu ki dokidoki fōchun terā
Itsu da tte dare da tte koi shitara hiroin
god tik tok is grim
everyone using it should be shot
me? only listen to pre-war music since ive listened to everything worthwhile after it
so now im working backwards
I didn't know he had died and for a moment thought of harold holt
hehe look at him
shut up yeah?
are you okay mate
yea but you'll come out of it with a chad jawline right
what's the longest consecutive string of 'date days' you've ever had?
Managed 5 girls in 5 days
Tory Totty, lads
Which war lol
That'll tell them.
Black pigeon speaks banned off YouTube
Your days are numbered rorke
Yeah the whole nation was in mourning the whole day
Went to the pub with the boys and we were downing pints in his honour with some of the other locals, was touching
shagged 3 in 2 days, not one for dates tbqh
willy willy wank poooo!!! will willy bottom plops poo poo zoo!!!
who should I play as in eu4 today my n words
wish I was gay, would be up to my neck in cock since I’ve got a feminine build and very twink-like facial features and hair
just a shame no slag’s ever going to lust after me
went on a 3 month sabbatical with the then-girlfriend, does that count?
commies love censoring the truth
The authoritarianism is getting out of hand
I just have dates without having sex
>which war
don't give a shit about a weeb who makes cringe virgin videos called "Why women end civilisations"
i do give a shit about hard brexit and heeming lefty remoaners, which is exactly what's going on
The rolling stones have no solid albums unlike the beatles
biding my shiny metal ass
alternatively, have sex
wtf hes black?
the picture that settled /brit/
are you literally 12 or 13 years old? i know its supposed to be ironic but i honestly cant fathom men into their 20's sitting at a computer, typing this shit, posting it, having a chucle to themselves. it gives me the fear to be honest.
blog on you uninteresting cunt
those fucking google commies
that's a valid question you cunt
was described as a 'natural leader' by my mcdonalds shift supervisor today
If there's no archaeological paper trail there's a good chance of it being fake. Just having a look around on the site and a lot of it is fake.
I mean, if you say so
is boris the british donald trump?
Hard at work, lads, but my work is paying off, and soon my work will be complete. Then I'll be able to go home.
War of the Austrian succession? Iraq war?
*walks out the lavatory wiping the sweat off my forehead*
corr they dont make em like that anymore
WWII but its basically WWI innit
it's a dog whistle
>those fucking google commies
it's a bid innit it's probably go up a lot in price
do you pay for them or split
i've got a decent jawline, just that it's an inch further out than it's supposed to be so that's the hope. might end up a jawlet tho idk
google only employ commies aka the modern left and they are run by the CIA aka the elites aka the jews aka the rothschilds
split in almost every case
arrggh nooo how could google allow this arrgghhh why didn't they hire me instead
was described as a 'natural dealer' by my customer today
if I don't think the heads of a multi-national billion dollar corporation are communists, I look like this?
Communism = Hypercapitalism
it's literally the same thing at the end of the day
no they are jews aka the puppet masters of communism
Just told myself to get back to work.
sort us a g la
Lads really want to cut porn out of my life, i'm not addicted or anything just think it is unhealthy. Although I honestly think it is impossible to cut out porn without cutting out Jow Forums entirely which I am actually slightly addicted to.
Maybe I'll just keep watching porn, it is quite nice tbf
get back to work
Wasn't meant to reply to anyone. Just saying that I told myself to get back to work. Nothing to do with communism or anything. Just thought it was funny.
but who runs the jews?
you serious?
No they're the exact opposite because communism leads to stagnation and starvation and hyper capitalism leads to abundant wealth
>come on user let's go kick some brown peoples heads in
how can anyone claim women aren't in science when these harpies are clogging the drains in silicon valley
leftypol is a dumb motherfucker
ever notice with identical twins how one is subtly better looking than the other
there you go lad fucking legend
porn is a regular treatment against the vice of casual sex
i want these girls as my gf
rorke one schtoopit nigga
After WWII let's just say things got a little too Jewy for my particular tastes. Your blues, your hip-hop, your wogified percussion, your dogshit, yeah you can keep all of that as far as I'm concerned, and good luck to you.
Not a fan of that amalgamation personally, but you are more than welcome to it.
Like the Beatles