You wake up in 1300 ad

>you wake up in 1300 ad

Attached: 2760px-WorldMap.svg.png (1324x752, 133K)

Warn Andrew III about the plot on his life.

>why yes I am a slave-soldier how could you tell

Attached: gigachad.jpg (1068x601, 65K)

I don't even know what the fuck was happening in my country in 1300AD. Also that map is complete and utter shit.

result of mogolian soldiers and chink war engineers

when did the black death happen?
Is it appropriate for me to say that I would want to fornicate with the corpses I find attractive by the side of the road? Nothing bad would happen to me because I've been vaccinated n shit, right?

*gets killed by natives*

Touch my bumhole please.

Unironically best time to be a tamil

You don't even exist yet, retard tai under jap proxy. It's Langkasuka