This is now the official Finno-Ugric appreciation bread. Whites are welcome too if you know who your superiors are and act accordingly. Maybe asians too. And pajeets. Strictly no jewish tricks or glowniggers

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Other urls found in this thread:

I just wanna die. But do something horrible before kill myself.
Any suggestions?


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>I just wanna die
Me also. I will stab myself in the throat next Tuesday. Hope I bleed out.

Yes my east-Mongolian brother. Notice that there is beauty in life you have forgotten. Your depression is just a way for you to notice you need to improve your life. Dying is not the solution for a soldier of Genghis. The shaman has spoken

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I have thinking about drowning, its clean and 100% works. Just think about after smell and people will clean your blood.

Tere Eesti and welcome to our tribe meeting

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Shamanism is kinda retarded to me. There are a lot, i mean shaman in Mongolia. Even one shaman woman (Удгaн) told me i have gene of Shaman from both parents. I don't really believe this. I met lot of shamans red, black, white you name it. Its just kinda retarded to me. Their ancestors using their body blah blah blah. They are not even good drummers anyway. Its really good business nowadays.

Merely just larping and memeing here, but there is value in preserving your heritage even if it might seem like it's just silly beliefs.

Hello brothers

Hey Vlad and welcome to our proud community. Just no clay takings this time. Still salty about the last one

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What is it that makes you superior?

>Just no clay takings this time
I'll do my best bro.
We should head to the sauna and hash it out

Bro in here life is hard, not being happy just surviving is hard. So I guess i have to die before winter because i don't wanna die from frozen.
You Finn niggas living in awesome society in world. Peace...

good thread

Supreme meme culture, tough people with unbreakable will imbued with ancient knowledge just to name a few

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I'll heat it up! Bring some vodka, I have pickles, herring and dark bread

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I hope you find some joy in your life

Tervetuloa !

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This is now the official tune of this meeting

Proud Volga Finn here brothers

It warms my hearth you keep our heritage alive there! Welcome welcome

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You don't preserve heritage because it's useful right now, you preserve it so that the people of the future can know their past.
Forgetting your heritage because you think it's useless and stupid, is like a teenager burning his childhood toys.

Damn our politicians are like children stole from their home and burning their house.
And went to other nice house with stolen money.

Very well said

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Paska ketju

I did not know that about Mongolia. I'm sad to hear that. It seems to be a trend all around the world. You giving up would be the worst possible thing to do

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Eipä ollu

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Do Hungarians even think themselves as proud Finno-Ugrics?

Hungarians are gypsy mutts.

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I've met a few here who are very proud about the fact. Even met one such guy irl. It's not too late to connect with our Hungarian brothers

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I was in Budapest few years ago and none of the locals knew that Estonians and Hungarians were related.

Post some finnougrics from your cunt.
Mayor of Moscow, ethnic Mansi

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the gypoids of orbán are doing hardcore brainwashing, soon we will be balkan turkish state

Jussi Halla-Aho, IQ 180 based politicians and the leader of True Finns party.Master of arts in philosophy

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