There are girls browsing Jow Forums RIGHT NOW
There are girls browsing Jow Forums RIGHT NOW
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only a few notorious attention whores who will never suck my willy so they could be monkeys for all i care
I wonder what the gender statistics for Jow Forums actually are
Hey boys
Yes I'm one. So what?
Not what y'all think they are
Be my gf, pleeeaaassee
80% male 15% trannies 5% lesbians
>tfw you may have made a qt girl laugh at your shitposts at some point
Have sex freK
No. There aren't.
why is an italian using yall?
too much 4ch? an american friend?
we are genderless blobs
Why are you so obseessed by girls?
I'say more like 80% male both straight and gay and bi, 5% both sex trannies, 15% fem either lesbians, bi and yes also straight
they are cute and have boobs
I'm unironicaly southern posting sometimes. Bless your heart.
girls (male)
varying a lot according to the board
you want to see what a female-prevalent board is like, look at /u/ or /cgl/ and weep
checks out, dudette
ive been repeatedly told to have sex
im dixie myself i just dont post in it
based frenchman
45% boys
45% girls (male)
10% sexless aliens
Don't know, I just speak English, the internet in general? I've lived in London some 5 weeks, in US 3 weeks, and worked with Americans some other 3 weeks and have frens from that. When traveling in Italy alone I happen to chat with mericans invading our hostels.. just life
What does this have to do with girls?
h-hey ladies
Yes, it's me.
I'm not like other guys, if anything I'll be the one in the kitchen XD
>i'm a girl btw
гoмoceк eбyчий, eбaлo зaвaли cyкa
Uh I also used to date a Brit dude living here who spoke zero Italian, but course he didn't use the y'all
How do you do fellow girls
cлыш ти чe aхyeл я тян бля
That's probably what I'd look like if I was a man and older
I would fall for this pasta
teehee don't hit on me silly boys
>man hands
>large frame
You're not fooling nobody
Tell me about your sextoy collection, ladies.
I can just buy you
Nice beard sister
Not bad tbqh
70% male
10% female
10% trannies
10% r9k
>So thirsty that even the slightest hint that I'm communicating with a female will trigger convulsions
Pff, you don't know that there are no girls on the internet?
I've heard otherwise :^)
u can't buy love, bby
Thank you, sisters. Shaving is the oppressive tool of patriarchy, used to keep the poor woman down. Burn all razors! Break the shackles!
60% male
40% female (male)
Literally me after i eat chocolate
I was saying not bad unironically
Fuck off girls your not welcome here
Post face
Chocolate user is not me
And no, but I posted it here once
Its like 95+% male for sure. Little discussed here is of interest to women and plus they get constantly degraded
Is that attention whore FWG still coming here?
Yeah, but you dudes are way chit-chatting here and it's fun to have an insight of your thoughts, also the worst ones, on anything. Irl I actually have mostly male friends too. Also, I like to educate you with my perspective, either on women and italian culture on Jow Forums
Why, it was fun to shitpost about politics and history, also it's not so scary to post in poor English anonymously
i am grill
You get used to it, i don't care anymore
true, if i fed up of that i just go to lolcow and be as mysandrist as i want
You're the one that never posts feet, aren't you?
Please have sex with me, girls
Should I assume other anons normally do it?
You don't look bad but you sound desperate, ginger Brit. Go out irl
could i get an italian gf
I met my fiancé on Jow Forums, it turned out we had been shitposting to each other on /tv/ for nearly a decade.
I mean... you look good but do you really want to find a gf here...
why wouldnt i? mediterranean (preferably italian) girlfriends are the goal for most of us
You are not a woman you are a larping tranny freak
Most of this site is just topics not interesting to women, and the general atmosphere and humour aren’t either. I remember Joe Rogan said his analytics showed his viewership is 90+% men. Maybe not the best example but the internet is very gender segregated in general
No, it's just what I say to one poster with an italian flag.
I'm not into tattoo dudes, but others for sure
As you like it
Are Italian feet any different?
You arent a woman because if you were you wouldn’t sit around waiting for these threads every day just to declare you are. Stupid larping freak go get a lobotomy with a shotgun
Wouldn't know, never saw any.
You sound like an incel
what part of italy would you recommend i visit if my sole intention is to bed as many italian woman as possible in 2 weeks
You sound like a tranny
There are Asian girls browsing Jow Forums right now
I want to change your mind, that's why I answer these threads. But I see it's granitic. I post on many other threads as well, it's just you don't notice my gender cause I don't declare it
You don't seem to deserve Italy much
got to experience with the flavours of the land before i settle for the delicacy, surely you understand.. now if you’d be so kind to advise me
According to Jow Forums's statistics page for advertisers, ~30% of its demographic are female
>statistics page for its advertisers
ah yes these figures will be completely genuine
I guess any big city
I would notice you easily because your english is much worse than any italian poster I’ve seen
>1 poster out of 50 is a swede
be my gf
If only I had a tool to snap your faggot wrists
You don't pay attention enough, then
is this as specific as it gets? all i know is naples is a guaranteed STD what about brescia in the north
>why yes, I do in fact sit on Jow Forums all day and beg for a girlfriend, how could you possibly tell?
I live in Naples, there's lots of people and lots of tourism. Brescia is tiny, biggest city in the north is Milan. Bologna, Florence and Rome as in betweens.