Russians BTFO

Russians BTFO

Attached: 1474373052435.jpg (441x604, 102K)

The opposite couldn't have happened because the russian would have been murdered by the german

just not true, actual veterans of WWII have a good pension supplements not like the ordinary pensioners who are poor as rats

Elves BTFO

Attached: e7CzDTyVi9k.jpg (441x604, 143K)

>WWII ended 74 years ago
>average life span of a Russian man in mid 60s
>there are still living veterans

The sad reality of the Russian.

Why are russians so obsessed with WW2? Literally circlejerking over a victory that happened like 80 years ago, what about a more recent one lmao?

Will they still be talking about le hitler and le nazis when it's been 200 years?

>Will they still be talking about le hitler and le nazis when it's been 200 years?
Well, they're still talking about Napoleon and that was 200 years ago, so yeah, probably.

I guess in Canada pretty much nothing to talk about. It was the biggest event in modern history, mister Micheal Petrenko

I know 21 millions dead is considered a skirmish in china chang, but it's still a lot even for russia

Jow Forums

We fought for our survival. We were almost defeated. But it ended in one of the epic comeback of history. We won and ended war with Nazi at Berlin. And we suffered a lot to get here.
So i say it's been ONLY 80 years ago and should be remembered.

If he delete this, he is truly moron. It's russian picture, it's very old and there is nothing offensive about it.

So now you have to talk about it for the next 1000 years? It's time to get over it, Germans are the powerhouse of Europe and Russians are desperately trying to escape their country lol. Nice victory!

Now that I think about it, it's pretty crazy that WW2 was only 80 years ago

Attached: curious emoki.jpg (470x475, 32K)

>So now you have to talk about it for the next 1000 years?

Yes. We should hate eur*peans, am*ricans and all sorts of w*sterners. Always.

>what are the laws of averages
>that flag
it's alright, you dont have to explain yourself

>average life span means everyone past a certain age must be dead
Based and retarded

And there’s nothing wrong with that.

You know what I mean. Don't pretend to be smarter than you are.

>bulgarian education

Go post about whoring Ukrainian women.

Yes, we all know that you posted nonsense.

the average life expectancy of bulgaria is pretty emberassing

oh, I guess you really need explanation. It works good for patriotic propaganda especially for conservative people, the WWII stuff, so it's been used by politics to manipulate people for their own personal benefits. Politics do it every day in almost every country in the world, and if you noticed this only for Russia that's mean you are just a sheep driven by some shepherd
Like that one

b-but the elves allied with the Whore of Kul Tiras.