40 capybaras will be culled by order of the government

>40 capybaras will be culled by order of the government
wow thank you bolsonaro

Attached: whatsapp-image-2019-06-18-at-09.34.05.jpg (1600x1007, 357K)

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is he doing this just to trigger hippies or something
is EVERYTHING he does just to trigger hippies
truly a meme president

lol just wait til it'S night, take a wire cutter and free them.

Sopa de capybara, uma niggerdelicia


literal shoa

Attached: whatsapp-image-2019-06-18-at-09.34.06.jpg (1600x868, 364K)


Literally a dumb monkey president for dumb monkey people.


>Capybaras have parasites that spread some weird disease
>Only way they can think to solve it is to kill all capybaras in the area
>The government officially supports it

Oh my fucking god

Bolsofuckingnigger should just send them here.

Lula would have never allowed this

lula is friend with the animals

Attached: trip-191-stuckert-0005.jpg (900x604, 238K)

They are not even endangered lmao.

Good, now please exterminate all the fucking dogs everywhere.

Aren't capibaras literal retards?

>innocent cute animals
What is wrong with Brazil?

These are the cutest, comfiest, most tranquil animal. Killing them is NOT based.

Attached: Yellow-headed_caracara_(Milvago_chimachima)_on_capybara_(Hydrochoeris_hydrochaeris).jpg (4478x2985, 3.33M)

Chink aren't either, more like the complete opposite.

Just eat them bro

W-What are you saying? I'm not a chink, am I?

why only 40? are they the only capybaras in Brazil ?

hate them
they look retarded

Your country was created by chinese settlers and you're basically a satelite state now. So same shit.

>More animals will die if they are not killed
>Bad nigger man