Why are East African men so ugly? They have Caucasoid skulls, Middle Eastern blood, and don't have the ugly features associated with the Bantu, yet they're still ugly as fuck.
Why are East African men so ugly? They have Caucasoid skulls, Middle Eastern blood...
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what a weird thing to be annoyed by
they're jawlets and don't have masculine facial development due to high carb low protein diet
they have baby proportions with those bubble heads and tiny eyes and nose
They’re ugly, but not more so than Bantus. I don’t understand how people can think so desu.
>middle eastern blood
Having any middle eastern blood will make any guy look like a rapist
They are uglier than bantus desu
IMHO it’s because we’re more used to seeing Bantus in the African diaspora and media. If Europeans were seeing both Horners and Bantus for the first time ever, the general consensus would probably be that the latter is far odder looking for their more alien features alone.
Do Swedes seriously get cucked by this ??
Somilans aren’t even physically fit like other black people and they don’t even have bbcs
Actually, the Ethiopians (and not the Somalis) are the most gorgeous blacks/brownies ever desu. If you count Yemen as East Africa, they have some stunning black/brown faces too.
Also the somalis who are not mixed with bantu (like OP) are very cute as well. Basically the less bantu you are the cuter, though I like bantus more than s*malis/eth*opians
Not really, it's a natural response to seeing ugly beings of another tribe living on your territory. In other words, they don't belong.
BBC is a Jewish porn inspired myth btw.
They look better than west africans who I barely consider human
> They have Caucasoid skulls, Middle Eastern blood
Here's your answer
I think you all forgot what congoids look like
I wish we had Somalians and Pakis instead of orc-like nigs and sandniggers. Why do the UK and Sweden get the best shitskins?
t. got cucked by a west african bull
You must seriously be retarded to think Somalis and Pakis are better. They're basically the same shit
No. You're projecting your own biases. You only think Somalis are better looking because you know they're ""Caucasoid"". I on the other hand I'm not into 20th century race autism and can objectively recognize Somalis are uglier
how's Somaliland?
But you're an african american autist with a hatred for somalis or a wigger with a hatred for somalis lol
Or you include a bunch of mutts as african american which in reality does not really happen lol. You can proceed posting a bunch of somali mugshots, though.
>ancestors rope them along here against their will
>they don't belong in my territory
Based innocent white friend. Sadly we're dealing with a jealous west african mutt whose ancestors were actually the slaves, east africans enslaved kek.
Were the ones who enslaved them*
Neither of those. You're that obnoxious autist from /mena/ though
They're better looking, just look at that to compare Also it's true they don't have the bbc
t. watched Ethiopian and Somali amateur to find out
>nd don't have the ugly features associated with the Bantu,
Black skin
Nigger lips
Nigger nose, nowhere as fine as european/arab nose
Nigger nappy hair
No, I will never think of West Africans as uglier than Somalis.
>t. watched Ethiopian and Somali amateur to find out
You must be from that region, then cause I can't think of any reason why anyone who's not from there would look that up
>whitoids look beautif...
South Africans are more attractive than either due to bushman mixture
Khoisans are ugly, though
Oh no no no no no, projecting autist lol.
You're a (stalking) sandnigger who cares about some somaliniggers, ahmed report your own thread and stop embarassing yourself.
They look like black arabs
>You must be from that region, then cause I can't think of any reason why anyone who's not from there would look that up
I'm white and just curious about racial differences. Abos don't have the bbc either btw
I think it's mostly their uneven skin, and weak chins. Their hair styles are also pretty bad.
No they do not, they have better noses actually, much better than OP's lol. Imo eafris have this scandi face dipped in yum chocolate which makes them the most superior race ever.
They're not tho
They have very fine noses though, their noses look a looot better than s*mitic ayyyrab noses.
They have black skin I guess and they're in Africa so of course we'll see them as black, which they are. But they look vastly different like a swede and spaniard would. Their hair can be sooo nice desu, like 80% chance that their hair is nice and not nigger (though curly = nigger hair on Jow Forums)
lol at this inbred nigger.
At least you're not posting mugshots/criminals lel. Pic related is not ethiopian but somali, but ethiopians are 3 times prettier as a whole. I don't know what your endgame is but among african americans east african women are seen as beautiful and I don't know why this gives you butthurt/annoyance.
muh nose
muh white features
Ok I get it now, you're a somali cuck. Based desu.
somali women can be cute but somali men are always weedy and ugly with weak jaws and lightbulb heads.
On the other hand eritrean women can be cute and eritrean men can be handsome devils.
So eritrean men should cuck somalis, right?
swedes get cucked by afghans and arabs. somalis in sweden only get pussy with rape.
are those people eritrean?s
finally I’m not the only one
only the man.
Light bulb heads.
It’s not merely down to labels desu. I just prefer Caucasian features like my own desu.
somali and south sudanese men look uglier than west african men , while eritrean men look much better and ethiopian men are in the middle.
how do you even know that? google doesn't say anything about either
Are you Eritrean or something? Why do you keep talking about how supposedly handsome they are?
What's your ethnicity?
Literally light bulbs, big and mostly empty.
English and 1/4 Welsh
So you consider Somalis the same race as you?
I didn’t say that, they definitely feel less alien looking to me than West Africans due to their Caucasian features though.