Have sex

Have sex.

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>-200 social credit score

>can't get laid
>-100000 credit score
>go online to shitpost about it on a manganese sea floor farming discussion board
>get binned by the social credit system and now you can only cross streets on no walk signs and travel by donkey

This is why Japan needs immigrants.

Japan needs my black seed to save their country.

This is what anime waifus does to a country. It's starting to affect us too

What's with the Western obsession with the Japanese virgin myth?
Didn't you guys get the research more than 1/4 of American guys don't have sex within the past year?
and No one talks about it.

have sex

have sex Haruto Sato

Youre not japanese

Not getting laid for prolonged period of time is entirely different from NEVER having sex. One means you simply got tired of bitches while the other case means you have some serious issue with socialising.

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Women are ugly.
I just want to play with myself.

I love using a heated fleshlight.

>What's with the Western obsession with the Japanese virgin myth?
I was just about the ask the same question. It reminds me of the Western media's obsession with the Japanese fertility rates, when in reality countries like Korea, Spain and Poland have lower fertility rates.

I can only conclude that it must be one of the following:
A) The Western media knows that the West is still culturally enamored with Japan (which has been going on since the 1980's) and thus wants to generate clickbait titles using Japan.
B) The Western media hates Japan because it's an example of a successful society which isn't importing trillions of muslims and allowing shit like gay marriage.

That is for plebs, get better models.

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t. Nip

No, I'm just highly distrustful of Western media.

>other case means you have some serious issue with socialising.
w-what the fuck do you mean? are you saying something is wrong with me because I'm a virgin at 24?

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Not necesarily. It depends on if you have actually ever tried to ask girls on date or not. Also does your bedroom looks like pic related?

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*tips fedora*

You're completely dishonest if you seriously believe there's no anti-Japanese bias in the media. Just look at how many results (all of them very negative) you get for something like "Japanese fertility rates", and compare it to "Taiwan fertility rates" or "Portugal fertility rates" while keeping in mind that the latter two have lower fertility rates than Japan.

>muh globalist conspiracy to destroy le based japanese saviors of western civilization

>had a chance to work in nippon
>could have spread my chi -- mexican seeds around

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The Media loves Japan and so does everyone else

Way to completely ignore what I wrote and instead just invent a completely new post out of thin air you clinical retard.

>Way to completely ignore what I wrote and instead just invent a completely new post out of thin air you clinical retard.

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Niggers and spics don't leave long enough to get depressed
They also don't have to work

they mean the country's credit rating retards

Can someone tell me why the fuck does american media keep pushing this shit?

They're not fucking then let them fucking be. I don't go harrassing people forcing them to fuck fat fuck uggos. There's enough people in the world already, there a countries that are deeply affected by high birthrates and huge populations they can't support, yet nobody pushes a "Don't have sex" message.

This begs the question: Do americans really...?

Engage in coitus

It really be like that

Fake news.

Attached: 1512B17-Credit-rating-South-Africa-table-Reuters.jpg (590x742, 159K)

We are not western you slanty eyed Nip.

Make women as cute and pure as anime girls, then maybe.


That's actually a 90's myth. Peak child has been reached and the population only increases due to higher average life expectancy in third world shitholes.

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Why doesn't it show Africa?
Also I hate being colorblind

Ha, did not see that.
Maybe because there is no reliable data and warlords cannot be bothered with counting people.

lmao that chart explicitly excludes all of Africa south of the saharan desert

>Oy vey, the gook goyim don't want to date goils and spend money on their expensive crap that we consistently market to them. Better ask cousin Schlomo to write how bad that is

We have sex but use condoms, simple as

But that's worse than just fapping and cuddling afterwards.

that's a picture of my and my wife Chino's room

didnt expect to see that here

have sex

It's part of a psyop to pressure Japan to open its borders and get flooded with foreigners. The USA are mad as fuck that Japan isn't getting culturally enriched.

they dont want to believe that japan is doing well without accepting refugees and keeping our homogeneity. think about it. italy, portugal, poland, greece, spain, hungary, croatia and Germany's birth rate is lower than japan. how pathetic

>Incels are going to destroy capitalism
holy fucking based

Give sex

The ethnostate must be destroyed.

>Russia not even included


Why does it have to be a bad thing that they're not getting laid? Seriously,I'm sure Jaos aren't celebrating like "woohoo I'm still a virgin at 30" while working 12 hours a day. I'm sure they feel shit about the situation as things are but not they have the whole world looking at them saying "have sex incel"

They should stop making dating games. I suspect it gives their men the wrong expectations. for one, women don't usually go for quiet bland looking guys.

( ' -_-) It's gone up to Baa and BBB, though. Not that I trust these agencies, anyway.

My wife Chino is so cute

”You're not the contents of your wallet” is my motto and automatically you can't have girlfriend here

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give me money for prostitutes

No bf

I think it's a funny example of civilization in general

Japan is an ideal and they have everything they can want but they kill themselves because it's too unbearable

Are their men single because they're playing these games or do they play these games because they're single. Many other countries don't have the same issue even though everyone has access to dating games with the internet. Meanwhile English teachers from the West are basically banging any chick they want

Germany and Italy have worse birtrates than Japan last i checked.

Japan is the embodiment of ”Consume, work sleep, repeat untill death”

How are demographics a problem even? Just tax the shit out of everyone without 3+ children and wa la


have sex, nippon needs you

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They play these games cause they're single but maybe virtual social simulators just cause them to dig deeper into the void.

that would include politicians

Ten sexo

How do they determine if somebody is a virgin? I mean even the most hideous autistic otaku might be spedning 50% of his income on whores.

Ayo where my substantial risk niggas at

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