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>Which of the big three do you prefer
Early Naruto Shippuden

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everyone loves one piece in Germany

Naruto, but Bleach was great


One Piece by far

one piece not even close

Even I, a Japanese guy, have never read and watched NARUTO and ONEPIECE

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I prefer this

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One Piece is the only choice here, the other two are normie trash.

>One Piece
I have never watched it, but it's probably good, or at least as good as some ultra long running shonenshit that is not a bizarre adventure can be.

Used to be Naruto, however One Piece has enraptured me.

OP and Naruto both had huge hypeboom in here but Bleach never

I'll have to say none

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Naruto used to be good, I dropped it in 2010 when Tobi revealed his identity. Fucking stupid shit.

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one piece is dragging out too long

There's no competition, One Piece is way better than the other two

Brazilanon knows whats up, hunterxhunter is great. I hope to god the author doesnt die.

One piece is better when you read an entire arc at once rather than each chapter weekly if youre caught up. It tkaes like close to 50 chapters for 90% of the arc to happen. I didnt get into one piece until the water 7 arc.

Early naruto was great till after the rescue sasuke arc. Too much BS after that.

>HxHfags didn't have enough with running /a/ into the ground and they are also started invading other boards

I will always be a Bleach fag

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Why yes, I'm a Hunterchad. How could you tell?

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based and honest

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One Piece.

it actually rewards the reader and has believable worldbuilding (hxh is a similar case). dbz, nardo, bleach as good as they all were, suffered from the whole plot revolving around the MC having to fight whatever next ancient evil awakened out of nowhere. And even when Naruto still was fairly innocuous and hadn't pulled that "AYYYLMAOS DID EVERYTHING" shit off at the 11th hour, it still was far too melodramatic and preachy for my liking.

one piece, sanji is french


As a whole series I'd say among the top 3 I enjoyed Bleach the most, those 'KUBOOOOOOOO' moments were kino af. OP was fucking great only up to the Impel down arc. Naruto was always been boring except for some arc. While Kubo was consistently trolling his reader until the final arc.

Dragon ball

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>While Kubo was consistently trolling his reader until the final arc.


ive tried to watch bleach a few times but i just cant get into it. im not much of a manga reader but if the manga isnt as shitty as the anime maybe ill give it a go

>jap shonenshit

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Bleach, I've only seen the soul society arc though, was too retarded to torrent stuff as a kid so I never saw the rest.