It's over

It's over.

Attached: Arctic_Sea_Ice_Age.6141_print.jpg (1024x576, 145K)


>more water(most essential element in the universe)


Hopefully, it floods all the WHI*TOIDS

It will only benefit me

This is fucking normal you fucking brain dead morons. I swear Euros are fucking retarded with this global warming conspiracy. Fucking retarded Euros I swear

>most essential element in the universe

Isn't this good for Canada?

>diluting fresh water into sea water
>creating more of it
>one of the most common molecyles in the universe

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Who cares it's just a bunch of ice lmao

Global Warmism is the new secular religion.

I bear witness that there is no God but Global Warming, and Al Gore(pbuh) is the messenger of Global Warming.

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Fake. Ice can't melt.

Where will the Eskimos go

>yankoids turn this whole thing into a joke in desperate search for attention and make the planet uninhabitable in the process
Death to America

>Water ice is not water
3rd world education

>WTF!! Why doesn’t the climate stay the exactly the same all the time, I hate change!!! This is all Drumpf’s fault!! We’re gonna die because of him!

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Fuck ice and fuck coastal cucks

I hate the parasites than own 5 mansions on a beach as much as the next guy but what's your beef with ice?

why don't they just sell their houses before they go underwater

I just want to retire on Greenland. Real GREENland. Ice must go for that to happen