This is something that has bothered me for a while

this is something that has bothered me for a while
about 90% of male muslims have identical names(variants of mohammad, ahmed, etc.,) women probably do too but garbage bags aren't allowed to speak
how do they refer to each other and not confuse everyone in a 5 mile radius?

Attached: mahmud mogamedov.jpg (599x333, 23K)

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No, we don't. At least with tatars, bashkirs. We have dumbass names like artur, renat, kamil, ruslan, etc. And we don't mix each other up. Same for ruskies, all of them are alexeys, andreys and romas. And giving a name of mogammed is haram, no? Why do people give it.

we don't.
I know like 5 kevins. If i need to distinguish between them i add their last names. It's just common sense.

stupid turk, there is a great variety of names we use, and if 2 people have same name we call them by using their family name.

Lets not pretend that Kevin or Alexi, and their derivatives, are as frequently given names as Mohamed and its derivatives.

IRL nobody actually calls you Mohammed outside your family.
I grew up in a gulf country and it was normal to have 7 mohammeds and 5 abdullahs in a class of 25, if someone's name was for example Mohammed Saaleh al Doosari people call him Saalih or Doosari.
Also girls tend to have more varied names, everyone having the same name in the Arab world is a mostly male problem.

>IRL nobody actually calls you Mohammed outside your family.
>I grew up in a gulf country and it was normal to have 7 mohammeds and 5 abdullahs in a class of 25, if someone's name was for example Mohammed Saaleh al Doosari people call him Saalih or Doosari.

This looks like a valid answer, thanks for the post Mohammed.

is there an actual lack of names to call your son? or does everyone just name their son Mohammed to fit in

it's like having two first names (like Mary Jane for example).
example: my uncle is Muhammad Aslam. His name is effectively Aslam though.

its a popular name, theres lots of actual names they can choose from but those are particularly popular, its literally the same thing as the names of the apostles being popular

This, also in a situation where the dudes have the same second name (it's not common but could happen) they'll just call you by your third name and so on

The more important ones are referred to as Muhammad while the less important ones are referred to by their last names or by an acronym of their name.

I have heard (but I don't know if its true) that devout muslims feel they should name their first born son Mohamed in honor of their prophet. This would explain its popularity.

why is it so popular though? religiosity? seems nearly reduntant to name your son Mohammad if you're a muslim in a muslim community since everyone else has that name too
except there's 12 or 13 apostles so the chances of everyone in a group having the same name is greatly reduced

That's what I thought. I'm Armenian and my name comes from one of the biblical names but I never had this issue even though lots of people have biblical names. Is Mohammed really the only guy they know? Why can't they just create new names? Maybe change the Quran to add some followers so not every kid is named Mohammed

>except there's 12 or 13 apostles so the chances of everyone in a group having the same name is greatly reduced

Also most christian countries kept their pagan naming convention too.
You are about as likely to be a Pavel (apostle Paul) here, as you are to be Veselin (literally means "happy guy"). This further dilutes it.
And many christian countries also have the global culture emerging, and thus global culture names (I know a bulgarian guy who named his child Eric).

isnt bulgaria 30 percent muslim

12%, but our muslims have a mix of slavic, christian, bulgarian, turkish, and islamic names, so there aren't many Mohameds around.
I'm actually pretty sure our muslims have christian names more often than islamic names.

Muslims give abrahimic names as well like ismail, musa (moses), adaam, etc etc, but somehow arabs and caucasians only give mohammed/magomet.

ever noticed how muslims will defend even the most retarded and dumb shit their backwards religion/culture?
they dont have a drop of self critique and commom sense

>ever noticed how muslims will defend even the most retarded and dumb shit their backwards religion/culture?
>they dont have a drop of self critique and commom sense
*bans contraceptives*
heh, nothing personnel, aids ridden africa

Attached: papi.jpg (960x690, 90K)

same here, we have pre-Christian names still in use such as Oisín and Maebh
>And many christian countries also have the global culture emerging, and thus global culture names
yeah,if there is one advantage to muslims naming their child Mohammed, it is that they are a bit more immune to globalisation. but that is still kind of pointless when they all have the same name

We want to preserve our culture. I know this may seem foreign to Westerners but many people like doing this.

You mean religious people do?

I don't know a single tatar that is named muhammed, or kazakh, bashkir, there are plenty magomed caucasians though. Don't know about others.

But some of your culture isn't worth preserving. A lot of old culture is shit, and should be forgotten. Even before globalization, Europeans were already "forgetting" some of their culture, like weird traditional medicine that doesn't work, or funny impractical clothes. FUCK, European culture was at one point centered around the horse, and the sword. Of course thats useless now.

So maybe just reconsider cutting off people's digits and hands for stealing, perhaps? Maybe?
And don't lie to me, I saw all these nuts and water street vendors with missing digits, and I asked around.

I know a guy (only met him once, friend of a friend) who says he is a tatar and his family were russian cossacks (?), and his name is Mahmud. His dad's name was something turkish sounding, I forgot. His mom was from Ukraine, slavic name. Thats the closest I can get to a bulgarian named Mohamed in my personal experience, though I am sure there are many.

>*bans contraceptives*
If that is true, than Yeah thats pretty stupid. I admit it. Eventho im not catholic. If i were a muslim, i would start making mirabolous mental gymnastics to defend such stupidity

It's not really a "culture" when everyone has the same fucking name.

How can be a tatar if his family was cossacks and mom russian? Probably crimean tatar too, their culture is more turkish. Plus mahmoud is not Muhammad, mehmet or muhamet are.

This only for actual highway robbery and not insignificant shit like stealing an apple. And this can't be compared to mordern medicine since one is an advancement in science while the other is just for the sake of it.

>How can be a tatar if his family was cossacks and mom russian?
I am only repeating what I was told. Apparently they moved to what was then Romania, and is now Bulgaria, after the revolution. I think he said something about Odessa, but not sure if that was his mom or his grandparents.

Digits = fingers. I was told one guy had his finger cut off because he lied with money. He was literally selling nuts. How much money can you lie about when selling nuts, he gave back $0.50 instead of $0.70? Its a barbaric bullshit punishment.

I don't agree with that though. Foreigners present Islam as super monolithic when there are lots of differences in opinions between us. Unless he lives in militant controlled territory not sure how that happened to him.

Things like cutting people's hands off and everyone having the same name are not part of a culture. They're part of a undeveloped society that still hasn't figured out what culture it is

>Amerimutt lecturing me on culture

Most newlyborn babies have ancient Turkic names here

It was in Egypt. A country that was secular/socialist for a while. In the tourist part of town.
Not saying thats where he was when he lost his fingers, but thats where I met him, and I made a point to look at people's hands, and he wasn't the only one missing fingers.
I was told instead of going to the government court to sue, they just have some local priest sue, declare the punishment, and execute it. Literally the neighborhood shaman cuts off your hand. Surely you want this part of your culture to be forgotten.

I'm not originally from America,Mohammed. In my culture people have different names

That sounds dubious. Even the most strict Islamic societies have things referred to a court before issuing a verdict. Even Saudi Arabia and the like. He was probably raised in a rural area where the state has trouble enforcing laws.

priests dont declare punishments or execute it but okay

What I was told, in Egypt, by my Egyptian guide asking for me, as he nervously waves it off like its nothing and drags me away from these people.

You were probably in a village or something where the law is improperly enforced.

It's Arab Muslim tradition to name your first born Muhammad in the hope that he will be honorable like the prophet

I think it's peculiar that muslims call their kids Muhammed when they are so strict about not creating idols in any other situation. They get mad when people draw cartoons or drawings of the prophet, but it's cool to call your kid Muhammed? Seems kind of weird.

Christians in Europe were told not to call their kids Jesus because it was considered idolatry.

Yeah but Muhammad is considered a prophet, while Jesus is considered a god.
It would be idolatry if someone named their kid Allah.

So Jesús is only LatAm name, not Spanish?

The Catholic church's stance of contraceptives can't be blamed for aids you godless communist, you're not supposed to have sex outside of wedlock. If someone doesn't care about one teaching, why should it care about the other?

>Yeah but Muhammad is considered a prophet

He's not considered "only" a prophet though. He's considered Al-Insan Al-Kamil, literally "the perfect man".


see and see a mirror

>He's considered Al-Insan Al-Kamil, literally "the perfect man".
Exactly the reason why so many Muslims name their kid Muhammad, because they aspire their kids to be as perfect as a man can be.

interesting logic

Sounds like just a tradition and nothing that you guys think a lot about theologically.

Probably. There's nothing in the quran and hadith about naming children Muhammad iirc. Muhammad as a name already existed before the prophet was born.

Here it's just a name, maybe religious people prefer it more but seems pretty random.

Same here, and its always shortened anyway like Mujo (Mouyo) or Met

Bangladeshi student student studying in the US here. What we have is nicknames people get called by close friends and family.

Eg. My name is Muhammad but all my close family and friends call me Rittick

>all those Muslims with Western flags
I didn't expect that when I entered the thread



This or by a nickname like frog or something