That feel when normal, straight rich white dude with asian gf

That feel when normal, straight rich white dude with asian gf

Thank god i never watched anime and became a tranny/incel freak

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>Asian girlfriend
Automatic failure, and the fact that you don't even watch anime means you're a double failure as you don't even have an excuse for this faggotry

This except for Japanese and Korean they are beautiful

Ohh this tranny seems mad

Not a tranny scum, I'm just not a beta cuck failure like you

>making shit up on Jow Forums
O am I laffin

I wonder if you get so mad about other pairings aswell

>tfw TW gf

>beta cuck failure
Says the incel. Enjoy your second rate women (if you ever find one)

>Second rate women
>Dates Asian women
Oh imma laff
The irony

No, not really

So you are a woman?

I'm not

then why do you care who other men date lmao, you want his dick for yourself?

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I actually don't care.
He could fuck and date asian trannies for all I care
I just want him to know to not be delusional to the fact that he is in fact a walking failure

You very obviously care and have strong feelings about who other should date.

Feels good knowing the future belong to the eurasian masterrace.

>no, not really
roastie spotted

I don't care that someone dates an asian, I just don't like seeing someone have some kind of superiority complex over it
Its like someone feeling superior to others for being HIV positive.

Just make sure your kid doesn't end up murdering someone and then commiting suicide.

Nope, sorry to tell you but I'm not a free bleeding gorilla
But I do feel sorry for you for being born with the Anglo gene.

>I don't care that someone dates an asia
You do, if I could give you a tip it would be to have sex.

You seem quite upset about my stance and seem to be using cognative dissonance to avoid facing the truth.
Are you sure you're not the one that needs to have sex?
I would also suggest that you dilate and seek help for your mental illness.


I hate Asian insects but roasties who seethe about what men stick their dicks into are pathetic.

>Japanese and Korean they are beautiful
t. Never went to Japan

Have sex

>i actually don't care
Seething freak