What is the most cyberpunk city and why is it Berlin?

What is the most cyberpunk city and why is it Berlin?

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cyberpunk is cringe

Imagine being this much of a tastelet. The allure of comfy neon lighting, specially as it reflects over a rain-soaked street, in a city where souls roam around is peak aesthetics.


The virgin cyberpunk
The CHAD Vaporwave

Attached: vaporwave miami.jpg (640x640, 61K)

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the virgin berghain vs THE CHAD TRESOR

I don't know, why is it Berlin?

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Aw fuck I hate it when this happens.

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France is cringe

More like zaporwave, amirite?

Easily Shanghai or Hong Kong

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I dare you find something more cyberpunk looking.

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Is that the inside of the Berghain?


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Here's a street in Macau, although the photo plays with perspective.

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Because Berlin is a shit hole that is filled with crime, foreigners, politicians, “artists” and the homeless and all of them are field by easy drugs that comes from Poland and the Czech Republic.
Berlin is a pukestain and it should be nuked.

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são paulo

Nice, very nice.

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It's one of the best cities to do drugs though. There are a few Whatsapp groups where you can order drugs to your hotel like pizzas kek. Truly a futuristic city

>t. Muslim

it's Kraftwerk
the venue that hosts Tresor

>genre literally has nothing to it, no substance

That is clearly the shitty zoomer synthwave look

Oh ok. It seemed strange since berghain doesn't allow pictures

Are you retarded?


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How are those train stations going?

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