Did school lunch suck in your cunt

Did school lunch suck in your cunt

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it was decent

How is that meat? Also what's on that bread and in that cup?

yes. they always made and gave us too much food too

you got sill?!! Finland does take good care of their little ones i see

Its tender meat flavoured with dill, knäckebröd (swedish crisp) and a glass of milk.

No, it was alright. Everyone is nostalgic about the white sauce that you got with the fish.

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You guys had school lunch? Lucky.

Had lunch at my grandma's, so based.

wtf was in that sauce, though?

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yeah, this

>school lunch
huh? we eat at home

absolute trash-tier

Sweden and Finland are the only two countries in the western world that serve hot food to the kids for free, I think.

Rest of the world cant possibly be this shit

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My mom packed food for me.

>wypipo food

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I don't remember what I had in primary school. In secondary I used to go to my grandma's house for lunch and usually have ham and mustard sandwich, with pickled cockles, cheese and cucumber slices

Rip grandma

Poor kids can apply for like 1 shit meal free and it was like a sandwich or someting that wasn't the best to say the least

We just ate slop like frozen pizza and chicken nuggets all the time from what I remember. Even as an eight-year-old I found it inedible and just had my mom make me food to take with me.

It was alright, pretty good sometimes.


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We got served hot food. But we're not Western.

Generally yes, but when they served spaghetti, potato and chicken soup or beans with pork I would stand up for seconds up to 7 times in a row

Unconditionally for free?


we got free hot food sometimes if we were poor enough to qualify for federal lunch programs

I think I used to...we had 'tickets' that were red and blue, denoting whether you had cold or hot food. But that was over 20 years ago so I may have been misremembering.

Big boy. You stronk now?

Doesn't matter what your financial status is here, every pupil is entitled to have a hot lunch in school. It's unconditional.

sounds pleasant. i wish we had that.

Do my fellow swedes remember pancake day and did you also compete about who could eat the most?

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Kinda rn but I was big into football back then tho so I never got overweight during elementary or high school

Yeah, the entitled little shit still complain though.

And to top it off cafeterias always make too much food, so they just end up throwing a ton of the food away at the end of the day even though it’s the only meal a lot of these kids will eat. Such a waste.

no because they limited it

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It was ok until they changed real potatoes to those rubber potatotes,. You know the ones

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That's a crêpe.


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That's the french name for the common European pancake, yes.

Why carrots with the crêpes?

It was "eh", but I liked eating together with my mates
I liked when we had sausage or fruits, and didn't like omelet and noodles soup

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Pancakes don't bend that way. Pancakes are thicker and fluffier.

What amerifats and co call pancakes are actually pikelets


It's pretty much just sourcream, mayonaise, dill and lemon

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>Scandies have never heard of tartare sauce


What ever autist it's a pankcake but just fried on a pan

because veggies are good for you
Only you and americans call those thick things pancakes.

you're onto something

>so many pics with shredded carrots

The best thing about carrots is the snap and crunch. This is why batons are Superior...shredded carrots feels like you're chewing fucking grass

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And I LOVED fresh baked goods, it's my kryptonite to this day

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>he has never had shredded carrots in lemon juice

y-you got pastries?

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People in this thread complaining about having available food at school lunch for free or next to nothing make me disgusted.

You all need to be reborn in the 3rd world.

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>carrot baton
Oi m8 you got a loicence for that carrot

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It was the main reason to go to lunch t b h, depending on the day's menu sometimes I'd just get a Danish and a dried fruits drink

It's heavily processed wypipo food youre not missing much

まゆゆ doesn't like omelette and noodle soup メモメモ((φ...(-ω-*)
what is the dish on the left?
beets salad?

it's not tartare sauce retard, it's dill sauce

We used to go down to the bakery and buy whatever had a buy 1 get 3, kind of deal If we weren't satisfied.

You could drink so much fucking mjölk.

We weren't allowed to leave school during class hours

Semantics faggot. If you fed it to anyone they'd say it's tartare.

Isn't tartare mayo sauce? We used to have it made it in sour cream

We once took the train to a mall and then when we were supposed to head back, the whole network stood still because of the heavy snow fall.
We had a group assignment that was supposed to presented in front of the whole class and I came late and dropped the spaghetti and ruined it for my group.

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desu very similar to tzatziki. Nothing like tartare

まゆゆ すぱしーば

it's not the same at all, tartar doesnt even have sour cream

>drinking milk with salty savory food
>meanwhile, eating yogurt with sugar and fruits
der ewige sc*Ndi........

I’m jealous. All I had was sandwiches squeezed, stinky and sweaty from being in my backpack all day

We had really shitty "cooked" "food" that cost like 12 dollars a day.

Schoolunch in US public schools is a nightmare tbqh.

We didn't have school lunch. We had a cafeteria where we could buy something. Usually I bought twix, juice and croissants.

Where do you live?

I'm pretty sure the school lunch was the same provided to prisoners. Everyone who's mother loved them had lunch from home anyway.

Didnt have it because my town was to small. They took the money though and used it so that a carton of milk was $.05. It sucked having to bring a lunch that then sat in your locker.

Anywhere of where musqovitoes usually leech of?

I grew up in fucking Chelyabinsk my nigga

I'd usually skip lunch for gameboy game money or get the occasional pan pizza.

How else was it going to sit lol? Just don't put mayo or mustard on a sandwich do it doesn't get soggy all day.

Oh, sorry then accept my condolences towards your retardation.

I can guarntee you food served in cafeterias in the poorest regions of Europe will be tastier and healtheir than 75% of American school provided food


It was mostly junk , process food as I remember, we did have fresh fruit and vegetables , since we so close to farms ....

Did you ever discuss the right way to eat a chocolate cornet with your classmates?

I fukken loved school soups. Been chuggin on em like a madman. Every day after lessons i'd go to cafeteria just to check whether they had some soup left, n if there was some, well, i'd chuggg on it like a mudafucka.

y'all hear me?

We never had them, I don't think
Those roll things are filled with raisins

Calm down nigga we get it, you love soup.

Back in my day in Mexico we didn't get shit from the school cafeteria.
The closest I've been to experience eating government payed lunch with my mates was during my internship at a hospital. I was there for the banter with my residents and fellow interns.
It was a good experience, food was balanced, hygienic and nowhere close to bland.

bruh, just imagine eating paccoльник with slices of fresh brown bread dayuuum.
fuck em greek niggas with their pretecious bitch-ass ambrosia legends n sheit. dat wuz da food of demigods n gods, ya hear me?
now chant it with me fella:

>got to eat soup at school
lucky bastard

In Yakutsk
I studied in a state funded school for intellectuals, that's why the school was small and we simply didn't have a dining room

>funded school for intellectuals
Then how come that you ended up here?

it was usually something like this. ironically enough they had small deli meat sandwiches and PB&Js for the students that had no lunch money that were unironically better than the lunch you had to pay for. At least in highschool you were allowed to leave campus to grab lunch at one of the surrounding places but there is only so much you can do with 30 minutes when the closest place was ~5 minutes away and always had a line

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I came here after krautchan died
Krautchan was a chill place full of friendly people

Never went to a school that actually had it.

Stereotypical South American food, how good it actually was depended on the cooks. I don't recall ever thinking any of the food was bad, though.

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And here is the norwegian "matpakke" since we don't have warm lunch in schools. The apple and milk is supplied by the school, you just have to buy into the scheme..

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I hear you
