
Why do you cunts have so many names?

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Wtf why can''t we get 20 names like Germuney no fair


Different names for the tribes beyond the rhine

when you make a federation that looks like scrambled eggs if you threw the shell on it

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Romans named us Germanics
We and other Germanics name ourselves deutsch/tysk
French name us Allemand because they first came into contact with the westernmost German tribe, the Alamans
Finns name us Saksa because they first came into contact with the northern German tribe, the Saxons
Slavs name us Niemcy/Nemec because they could'nt speak our language back in the day and thought we were mute

You are called Tsarfat here
The old name for Germany is Ashkenaz

In spanish all that is

>Deutschland (the ugliest one)

Its funny, cuz "German" is a normal name here

Absolutely based

That's lame. Y'all should standardize one name.

Also Vokietija/Vācija for lithuanians and latvians.

the meme name for Germany here in Italy is tedeschia, as we call Germany "Germania" and germans "Tedeschi", so we change the word Tedeschi to resemble one of a country = tedeschi a.

So ? No one wants to know about some Russian autonomous region

wow rude
Having a tough morning? It's ok, hang in there, it'll get better.

We do have a standardized name, deutsch. Not our problem that others can't agree on what to call us.

>wtf why aren't u talking like us u frankish retard

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Alemania is hilarious because it refers to one specific germanic tribe only
same goes for saksa

Deutsch = German
Land = country

pic related is "German" in sign language

what do you think its inspired by?

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do people raise hand with this hand gesture when they have question?

That's not really hilarious.

Yeah. That's german humour for you.
>HAAHAHA HANS kanst du believe it? Zere are zo many different names for Deutschland hahahahah
>You are laughing too much Basti, your 1 minute kafee break iz over back to wörk


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Your name doesn’t have one either. We call you Yhdysvallat, the French call you les états-unis and so on.

>German humour

Nevermind. I thought hilarious means weird.

finde es wirklich lustig uezs

What this guy said

>Slavic tribes called Germanics "Mute" because they spoke a different language

Wow hold on, retard. Maybe we should just embrace a global language so there are no differences left and so nothing could bother poor murican poopheads anymore.

Why so rude gert??
Lithuania is fine, don't listen to him.

Ich auch brudi

Fun fact: In modern times the word "Alman" is used as a derogatory word by muslims against native germans.

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>People from the Netherlands are called Dutch
>Germans call themselves Deutsch

In Hebrew Sign Language it's with a pointed finger besides your head, supposedly representing pic related

It used to be a Nazi salute, though

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now you should google "pennsylvania dutch"

Every country who gets gibs from Germany has their own name for it.

We call the place Germania because that's the latin name romans gave to it.
We call the people living in it "tedeschi" which has the same root of Deutsch.

what about germanini
German* for people is not used anymore.
we are technically calling you the way you call yourself, although we italianized the term.

But Heavy is russian

Dutchies were Part of the HRE for like 800 years, we're still very close, including language. They even sing " I of German blood" in their anthem.

>Tsar fat

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You just know this came straight from reddit

Bohemia should be it's own nation, prove me wrong

It looks like a puddle of vomit desu. Thank goodness Napoleon put them out of their misery, imagine if the HRE survived today.. flag collections would be more interesting for sure

True but that just refers to their first king being German. William of orange is the singer and he calls himself of German blood

That means ’out for a hotdog’ in Finnish.