I've been working for a chinese blockchain pr agency for around 1 year now, ask me anything

I've been working for a chinese blockchain pr agency for around 1 year now, ask me anything.

I'm currently working for a chinese top 50 coin and a chinese exchange.

Attached: chinacoins.png (1200x800, 7K)

how much do you get paid to shill link

Haven't worked on link, I get 1000 per project to do telegram and 2000 to do full social media. I usually do multiple projects.

Are you a chink? How big is your dick?

I'm from the netherlands, 6 inches but quite thick.

Where did you guys steal all your IP from?

you opinion of DeepBrainChain?

I'm a bagholder and I'm losing confidence in them. Do you have any good things to say about DBC or should I just sell it?

On a scale of 1-10, how big of a china hustle scam are Vechain pulling?

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I don't know too much about dbc, but AI is way too far ahead. We aren't even able to make a regular crypto currency yet.

Also, I wouldn't hold any chinese coins period.


Everything you are being told is a lie, from fake resumes to fake funding. Every news item is bought, every partnership is bought.

One of my recent clients had to do wash trading once they got on a new exchange, it was actually in the contract.

thoughts on NEO?

based hollander.
What are good alts?

>Also, I wouldn't hold any chinese coins period.
but i was told of big partnerships, like big business and the president of china for vechain? Come on youre just fudding bro

I hated NEO at first but they are one of the only chinese coins that are legit at this moment. Da hong fei knows what he's doing.

I'm also really looking forward to their NEX decentralised exchange.

China hussle. Antshares was a good p&d

I like ethereum as a base, and then just hold something to hedge against it. Something that can take over eth if it fails to scale.

I like the vechain proof of authority dpos system, it can work if done by a western company.

They are the extreme example of the chinese hustle though, very good at marketing.

>it can work if done by a western company.

Is the hustle real?

Will Chinese ever be anything but subhuman cheating slime?

It's a culture difference, in china it's not looked down upon to lie. It's just a way of doing business.

They also have some weird communism leftovers in their organisations, you can really shit on anyone who is below you. And you only do what they told you and not even one thing more than that.


Yes. But there's also a lot of clever people in china. There is a reason Harvard is not letting in anymore chinese dudes.

They will take over within 10 years.

>There is a reason Harvard is not letting in anymore chinese dudes.
fucking kek. They cheat, steal, and lie their way to the top.

They also work harder than most western people.

>When your fud damage control is failing hard so you resort to larp shitposting
You're being way too obvious btw

Fud damage control, what are you talking about?

these two posts make it seems that you never met a chinese in your life

lel, China is a fucking shithole built on complete lies and $30 trillion dollar debt bubble over the past 10 years

literally a collapse just waiting to happen. The communists just used slave labor and greedy western companies to loot everything

Kek this.

tell me about kucoin

So they are 100% a scam, thanks for confirming OP.


Thread ends here

Fuck OP and his fake China aiD

I communicate with them on wechat, maybe this can suffice as proof?

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What do you think of UUU?

I liked their idea, but I wouldn't personally invest in any chinese crypto.

Haven't heard anything bad about them, their listing fee wasn't bad either if I can remember.

Thoughts on Skycoin?

I don't like teams where most people are anonymous. Their founder talks like a crazy borderline chick. And buying the sky miner seemed pretty scammy.

Heard the code was great though.

Also, what's the reputation of Walton in China?

Don't tell me you don't speak any Chinese and only rely on online translations

best city in china?

dump it

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what do you think about qash-liquid? does it have potential with the chinese or are they still bothered by the sanghai massacre?

good thread OP

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Just bought another 1 million.

Cheers fudders

I do know they have a lot of connections with other crypto projects.

I've tried learning mandarin, it's too much work. Translations work fine most of the time. And usually they have one chick that can speak english.

Exactly Lmao this is 100% foxy in some deranged scheme to fud Vechain he’s so fuckin obvious

I just said vchain is a pretty good idea I just wouldn't invest in any chinese crypto (or stock) at this time.

Proof of authority as a dpos system is one of the better ones, I might even like it more than the eos voting system if done properly.

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How did you get that job as a dutch guy? Vind het moeilijk te geloven namelijk

Dude you’re literally so fuckin obvious it’s the only coin in here you shit on then saved face a few posts down cause you realize how obvious you looked

It’s fuckin pathetic lmao at least you should have waited a few posts before asking if Vechain is a scam you dumb fuck

I just asked some moderators in a telegram chat, then befriended one. She left her company and asked me to join her new one as they needed more people.

Ging best makkelijk eigenlijk, het verdient beter dan m'n dayjob.

>It’s fuckin pathetic lmao at least you should have waited a few posts before asking if Vechain is a scam you dumb fuck

Wait do you think I work for vechain or against it? I'm not doing either of those things. Why are the vechain guys always so insecure?

XLM is that
HOT also

Ah good for you. What do you hold atm?

What exactly is your job when you say social media and telegram? Is it just text or do you also do visuals like images etc?

Is XLM actually doing smart contracts?
Holochain is quite sketchy.

60% eth, 20% eos, 12.5% nano, 12.5% ada, 5% iota.

Social media, telegram management but also graphic design and web design if they need it. Also alooooot of proofreading.

Sorry I meant 50% eth before anyone makes fun of me.

What's your qualifications? Did you have to show them any skills before they hired you?

Lol you can’t even help yourself and shit on ven even when you’re trying to prove otherwise

Absolute derangement

I'm an art direct as a day job, but I've also done marketing before. Been in crypto since 2013, bought my first btc for a 100 and sold for 300.

And they were impressed with that? I mean, what made them hire you?

They have low standards. If you know crypto and you can speak english they will hire you for simple stuff like telegram management.

After that you can prove yourself and help them with marketing strategies etc.

How many hours per day do you spend working for the chinks? Do you get paid in fiat or crypto?

Telegram management is always when I'm awake, but I only have to check it like once every hour.

I get paid in crypto so it's all without taxes. Last month I got 3500 for multiple projects and some design.

On average I get like 2000 a month for not a lot of work.

Sounds comfy, thanks for the info.