Awe mommy and daddy support you financially how cute. I bet when you get into conflict you shout with all your might “if you hit me I’m gonna sue you” also a q60 isn’t anything extravagant I bought one myself when I turned 20
Adrian Ward
Seeking validation on this board is the biggest testament to how damaged you really are.
I'm all for taking the wealth your parents give you but people who brag about being given things are fucking autistic. T. Son and grandson of multimillionaires
Ayden Scott
>my parents... I hate people like this that have rich parents and think the money belongs to them. The reality is that you are probably a grown adult and still live at home and beg your parents to buy you stuff. Get a job and make your own money.
Aaron Gray
I share your sentiment, my good fellow.
Nolan Robinson
yea OP bragging about some shit car bought to you by mommy is kinda pathetic even for Jow Forums standards
I just think the q60 is the best looking in its price range and itll get me a lot of looks and girls.
Im excited to see the look of jealous broke bums in my rearview mirror when I fly by them on the freeway
Chase Barnes
This. Sage
Landon Jackson
If you don’t get the q60s are you even really flying by anyone?
Alexander Garcia
Larp Slow, eats glue
Luis Wilson
I earn my own way and fight my own battles. Glad your mommy and daddy figured out life for you though, little timmy. If you were not such a cuck I would explain to you the long term cumulative effects of buying an expensive depreciating asset while young.
Nice OP, I'm also a trust fund kid, but I've stopped asking my parents for money because of crypto over the last two years.
If you really are who you say you are, what are some cool/unique vacation spots you recommend? Been all over Europe and most of East Asia (amerifag here). Thinking about heading to Easter Island next to check out the statues.
Good for you if you aren't larping, don't let these jealous wage cucks tell you any different.
John Sullivan
>coming to Jow Forums to brag about how mommy and daddy bought you a car lmao
Joshua Baker
>my parents Grow up, you silly cunt
Xavier Brooks
Congrats on the car OP
Don't mind Jow Forums they just hatin rn my nigga
Owen Hall
nice user, why dont you post some pics for us to see
Levi Gomez
That's nice for your parents. The fuck have you achieved?
Joshua Lee
>infiniti dealership today to check out a q60 for me.
>people are looking at me out of admiration, definitely not out of visceral vicarious feeling of embarrassment kek oh boy long road ahead of you buddy
Aiden Adams
I just got a house, 4 acres, and a pond for 41k. Kek. Refinishing old wood floors, paint, and im putting in a 2nd half bath.
What a fucking waste of 40k. For 13k you can get a 600hp m5 supercar and only sort of look like a faggot. Body swap it with an old muscle car and be sitting pretty on 15k car that looks better and outperforms any fagfinity
Ryan Morgan
Not at all user. Why?
Cooper Turner
They cant if you dont want their house or any of their shit. Gubment will take anythibg they owe out of the estate if you dont pay it. If you tell everyone fuckoff then thats that
Justin Howard
Oops sorry for the mistake everyone. Its not 2 million is actually 3.8 million in apple stock HAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHHA OMG
Parker Scott
Nice larp faggot.
Jayden Jones
Stop fucking bumping the thread you complete and utter mongloid. Sage this shit
Angel Flores
i swear to god. my parents use fiedlity active trader or td ameritrade and I asked how much they had and showed me but then logged out. I dont really like asking about this kind of stuff to them.
Nolan Parker
no one cares, all the money in the world can't cure you of your pathetic personality
you guys dont have to believe me but wow I didnt know they were THAT loaded. To be honest I was larping when I originally said 2 million. I thought they had around 1 to 1.5.
But I really am going to infiniti later today. life is good
Jayden Sanchez
Gabriel Sanchez
Fucking with you. I dont even care.
But for fucks sake dont get a faggot infinity. Spent 40k on a restored blazer with a removable top. THAT is how you pussy magnet bro. Not some weeb ass jap car.
Dominic Martinez
I google image searched it and it looks like a piece of shit shit box
Caleb Jones
>life is good >def not deeply depressed and insecure as fuck You're fooling no one, especially not your peers ;--)
And this is why you will be riding around with you faggot buttbuddy instead of a bench seat with 3 hottues and a 4th hottie or your faggot friend up front.
Whatever. Get a fagmobile like every other preppy flat bulled faggot. Let ththe reall bros get the pussy