How do you not check prices all day?

How do you not check prices all day?

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I do check prices all day

check how biz feel instead of prices kek

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I'm all in on Chainlink and I literally don't give a shit what the price is before mainnet unless I'm going to be buying more.

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I do check prices all day

What is this?

It's an app just saw it on biz today

Source please.

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it's called bizmoji

now give me your sauce sensei


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Sauce plz

sauce pls

Just downloaded it now it’s on android called bizmoji

not on iphone?

Honestly I use the Storm app instead now. Basically, instead of checking Blockfolio every few minutes I’ve channeled that autism into playing retarded app games and other bullshit for very small amounts of ETH. Doesn’t seem like much (and it isn’t) but it adds up over time and it’s made me less stressed since I’m not checking my blockfolio every 10 min. I’ve gotten like 40$ so far which I used to buy a small bag of some shitcoin.

I don’t know

Ditch your smartphone

By losing so much money that you no longer give a shit anymore.

Unironically this

Bizmoji v1.0
"Safu Corp"

My sides

The based app

You only have profit in your portfolio

Literally 3 options:

- wagecucking / working all day. no not memeing but literally good for buying more coins and being distracted until you make it

- playing vidya all game if you have no/low upkeep

- travel/go out/work out all day and go out with friends getting drunk

those things worked for me

the real question is how do you get off Jow Forums

I took a two week vacation to Hawaii. Hard to check prices when you're snorkeling all day.

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be in a bear market

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macrodose 800ug of LSD so you can't read shit anyway and probably forgot what crypto is

I do check prices all day

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>leaving Jow Forums
yeah, you're here forever

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By sleeping for a few hours.

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