/smg/ - Stock Market General

Another Case Of The Weekends Edition

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This thread is a actually duplicate. Here's the original:

This is the real thread, the other didn't have a title

I hate you guys sometime. The other thread was fine but obv created by a newfag. Now we have this thread created by a different newfag attention trip. Jeez

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It's a weekend thread, let the newfags learn some shit

AGI might have a trick to it that makes it rather easy to create. Investigating further.

Me love teach new boys a few things ;)

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even though short strangle officer is a newfag that fucks up threads on the dailey, there is a strict code that must be followed

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this pic was back in 2014

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Every time i see one of your posts i seriously lose brain cells

Like why the fuck are you here honestly, just die in a doghouse you waste of human anatomy

This. Searching for it in the catalogue is a pain without the correct title

M-me just wanted for help... ok me die now.. :(

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i've never seen this before, my grand mother used to talk about the 20's and great depression. What is todays paradigm shift regarding media teaching anyrhing... I'm sorry technology revolutionizes things quickly.

Look at the last great depression, nobody alive can give you anything better than second hand information. learn who you are learning from.

I feel for the most part the consensus is to long america, even if the largest corporations are in bed around the world. Elon musk and luxury cars that can't be delivered on time, deserves a umm fuck you we're pulling our deposites and you lose your free money.

I think liberals deserve a fate worse than gas chambers in mass volumes, no they need to lose all they have individually and cry about it.

>no friday shitcast
cuck fail

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I really want to know who made this image because I bet they have a billion other juicy nico memes that I absolutely must have.

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its chill, just long the SPY

I hate spys, I hate apple it's like 3% of the spy, Can I kill the apple. It's consumer goods now...

imposter cuckerberg.

Laugh at bears. Laugh at them.

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I think I have finally given up posting.

I have been having feelings for a broad and have decided the issue comes down to this. I need her to become a Jew, and she's calling my phone and bitch needs to stfu. I'm leaving bye



Apple got transferred to the DOW for boomerism, the SPY should reach 400
Technically, the average P/E in the SPY is only slightly above average, not bubbled

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How boned am I on a scale of baggie to calc gamble? My average on IQ is 33

I just finished LoveLive the other day because of you nico posters. It was really good, will I be disappoint if I watch Sunshine?

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Will post python script for calculations SPXL / SPXS tomarrow but must sleep now
You made night tho XD

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thats GIS you got will outperform everything

As for lovelive, yes you will be disspointed. If you care about the music, Muse makes 100x better music than aquors ever possibly did, that includes outside the anime

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you've given me a ton of knowledge. least i can do.

xo from alaska

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Absolutely pathetic orbiter

>receives 25k from Hillary roddam Clinton
>receives eth from user
>all other anons starve to death
it not fair

get fucked lol

rkg provides more actual insight into TA than anyone else.

>Checks ethscan.
>It's real.
>Someone unironically gave RKG Eth for financial advice.
Welp, it's been a good run. Time for me to kill myself. Fuck this gay earth.

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he's not wrong
you gave away eth for knowledge you could have gotten from 5 mins of googling

dude i just like doing cool shit for people aint no big deal lol its fuckin $18

>these beta male excuses

You've branded yourself as a cuckold.

It's hard watching people be sad who want others to be happy

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>A larping trap succeeded in taking lonely autists money
What timeline

people of religion should get a fare opportunity.. I'm looking forward to Yom Kippur, i've needed this more than anything.

i didn't really forsee it being like this when i was younger to be honest but here we are

I like it better when you guys argue about god or immortality or some other philosophical silliness instead of calling each other white knights and cucks.

>GIS you got will outperform everything
Was my first purchase four months ago and ironically my best investment. I think I'll pick up some more if it ever goes back to 42-43.

>be disspointed
Guess I'll try Squidgirl next. I'm always in the need for some good music for Osu!, maybe I'll watch the monogataris since some of their OPs are pretty good.


New golden bull video

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>not going all out in tech memes
never gonna make it desu

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>will I be disappoint
the "new group" slated to replace aquors isn't even getting an anime

Women truly live life on easy mode

if you haven't watched logh it's basically required watching before you are allowed to anime post. And I don't mean the new one either, that's garbage lmao

DRUS better pay off. I've lost a shitload of money on it already. Seems like non-stop dilution. There's supposedly $37K left to convert at the moment, and there's still one more $50K convertible note left that'll mature in September.

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this song reminds me of comfy talking to planes


it was okay but not very educational :/

>it will be many years before you can escape to the flatland midwest

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if you watched his past videos its probably nothing new, but important to keep the golden bull mindset on track


post timestamp on your investments because NVIDIA just went in the shitter after its quarterly report

can you not read

How the fuck did the general get fucked again god damn it
God fucking damnit; so it's the weekend and I'm wanting to still die cause I'm gonna have to wait to see how my contracts pan out

Any financial movies people wanna watch? What are people learning/reading over the weekend?

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you've been around alot lately, run out of money for hookers?

before i'm gone forever... I really need to leave some of my favorite tracks that are all sad and depressing.




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You should have sold everything once it peaked when it got shilled here and taken the profit, not go long on it. Set a buy at .005

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damn drus cruise, shills.... weed through the bull shit.

this song is the one that gives me nerd chills.


hows the HIV?

Can somebody plz tell me how to trade?

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it's better than knowing my family doesn't love me.

anime feet

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sure hun, buy something and give it to some one else. You can trade more than stocks, options, equities, you can trade your feet to me.

i have a broken foot so i might be a bit biased.

Ask focused questions and I'll help you out.

>it's better than knowing my family doesn't love me.
are we gunna do some blow and bang some hookers before you off yourself? i'm a little drunk right now.. but i like to make plans when i'm drunk.

nobody can actually tell you this, it's something that you have to match with your personality. Some like to buy low sell high some like to buy high sell higher.. some people legit like to lose money

you can just buy low and sell high, TBT is a short treasurey bond etf with low fees, it will be intresting if the fed will be dovish or hawkish next month, but shorting bonds is honestly the easiest thing people with a lick of capital to risk and invest, most individuals shill bull shit, but no im shilling bear shit because of important things that occured under obama's administration, and most people who know who obama is recognize him in history as the first black president and can't talk about his policies or shit he actually did other than have some kids and be black, but I can tell you all about him and how he's a disgrace to this country.

so whats biz working on tonight?

im still working on a new oscillator, but i cant figure out which volume avglenght is more accurate

top is 7, bottom is 1, and im not sure which is the real volume change per tic

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im working to try to understand, that even though we've missed the pump on defense stocks, we get more from new contracts, but earnings reports will decrease as tarrifs ramp up on tech... the nasdaq is broad because of healthcare and biopharma, which is were you get biggest gains and losses all the time. short bonds unless you expect a dovish powell.

relaxing because I know FNGU will carry my portfolio next week

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oh i missed your question, i'm working on finding my favorite song.

>leave work at 5:00, think to myself that I’ll start the pine tutorial when I get home
>cook din din
>6:45 pm
>go to get laptop from room
>lay down on bed just to check news and shit, start reading the thread
>wake up, it’s 11:00 pm

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Nice, what's your all time like? I need more monies. I'm gonna get a job at red-circle walmart and then I'll pick up some more fit and a share of SPY or DIA. After that I'll look into a real tech company.

I've never heard of it. I'm not seeing too many cute anime wifeis in it but anons know best.

Sounds cozy

fngu will decrease its bubbled and will lose just because of natural ebb and flow, health care might work out, but what ever, buy the damn apple apparently they're good at attracting children, they're like the catholic church. the catholic church is being accused of molesting another 10,000 kids and clearly this is an attack at the supreme court justice appointment since if the catholics can't be trusted there can't be a catholic on the supreme court, but it's a giiant psy-op and the thing is it's also an attack on trump and his credibility sleuthly to attack trump from more angles to cause situations of umm his personal involvement and its to discredit what isn't even fact.

only work where you work.... establish things, bed is for fucking, floor is for sleeping, kitchen is for cooking, do drugs all the time.

despite this.... it will go up anyway
100 end of year in fact

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>but i like to make plans when i'm drunk.
This is a good post.

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i got so many bodily fluids messy on those sheets on that bed that it's like strip the mattress and have to fucking put cleaner sheets on it.

I concur, it's frustrating, infuriating
When (s)he leaves due to becoming super rich we all just continue scraping by on nothing, never getting ahead in finances

Sometimes I think I shoulda started larping as a sympathetic namefag years ago

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i've kept more than half the plans i've made when i was drunk... I mean I jumped out of a plane, didn't get married, damn yeah don't do drunk plans. You only get through half of them, and they're never very good.

dude fat viking sings like a banshee


I bought more FNGU today too.

>Fucking pine.
You guys are plebs
Despite knowing about a dozen programming languages, I can relate though.

>floor is for sleeping
It's the couch for me; too relatable tho

as someone that has studied the posters trades since RHG
the worst traders here are:

1. Eternal Bear
2. Comfy
3. Reluctant
4. Bagholder

this isnt exaggeration or anything, its literally the truth from studying over a year

how do i invest in fat viking, he's getting grammies and awards like dude has it all except us.

it's rigged how do we get in front of the wave

How much ETH did RKG get?

I don't think sympathy helps with gains. I've felt that it works the other way around and that the sympathy comes as a result of the gains.

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Who gives the best advice?

I'm planning on doing my livestream/s sober tomorrow


it's me

thanks, i like being the worst at everything even losing.

Don't worry, I'm about to go on a winning streak, break even and make it. S00n.
Very much so

$LCI has been the fucking shit.

Teh profit has gotten much better and Im very proud of him
But its still his first year

That's respectable tho, gains/losses based on their own decisions

Getting free $$$ to trade with because anime posting and sympathy is infuriating though, like why the fuck am I even here if sociability is more important than anything else

I thought stock trading could be different

>I don't think sympathy helps with gains. I've felt that it works the other way around and that the sympathy comes as a result of the gains.
Free $25,000 account to trade with sounds like a lot of gains to me
From dividends alone I could afford to finally love in my own

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unironically sunrun frogposter

>love in my own
Live on my own, ducking autocorrect

any skill is important for lifelong
you wont regret even if you lose money