Bullish on the upcoming rebranding. Any guess for the new name?

Bullish on the upcoming rebranding. Any guess for the new name?

Attached: Skycoin rebrand.png (1200x800, 635K)

They are rebranding? Where did you get that info?

yes they are. Can't reveal the source but if you lurk harder in their main telegram you'll find that it's true.

All I found was this, posted today.

Attached: 22222.png (324x72, 4K)

Cloud coin

but why
skycoin is cool, this is fud to me

The lowest IQ coin shilled here. You are the faggots that would fall for the Namibian scammers emailing you.

Please come back and tell me this in about... 1 year


post source or gtfo. i lurk all day in telegram and ive seen nothing but pajeets asking for a rebrand

Idk. he just likes to call things retarded

The word "coin" in the brand aint seem to fit this market anymore, at least for a less known project

Also is how the Skywire nodes are called "Skyminer", which doesn't actually mine any coin and is feeding the trolls and fudders

You are 1/2 the sat value you were 1 year ago. You lost 50% you fucking bonobo.

I hate seeing this on here because it might con someone honest that doesn't do their research or know how fucking stupid this project this is.

There aren't even nodes on the fucking chain other then Synth who faked a kidnapping and dumped 32m of sky and btc. FUCKING SCAM

As I said, come back in 1 year. Cunt.

Dude, I've heard enough of this from the likes of you.

That's some specific number you have there. Now tell me why you care that much about a scam to actually follow what they've been up to and keep track of how much their founders are dumping on the market?

probably from SkyCoin to ScamCoin, r-right fellas?


ticker remains as SKY

FartCoin, logo changed green

Probably what a project that's in the middle of rebranding would say.

I bought a bag of SKY during the dip purely because of the vehement FUD from Jow Forums.

I think people are just salty/bitter because SKY is going to significantly outperform their LINK and they know it.

>ticker remains as SKY
Is Kai the hatchet weilding homeless man going to be the ambassador?

Attached: download.jpg (318x159, 8K)

hmm not sure why you missed it. They probably deleted any leaking stuff

It's going to have a "victims" list this time next year. Most projects that can't be ported over to Fiber will be crushed.

I hope they don't change their icon.

kek I hold plenty of both by my optimism for link far exceeds that of sky

anything sudo thinks is a bad idea is unironically a good idea. worst tg mod in crypto by a wide margin.

OP, I saw a logo for "SkyFi" in some block chain conference marketing materials on Twitter, is it that?

could be one of the child brands, yeah

Rebrand to curry coin

This doesn't make sense, what does food have to do with a decentralized internet?


Skycoin Cash

Skycoin Craigslist. TBQH, Sky is in an amazing position to AirBNB growth hack comcast.

Attached: 1534544314002.gif (163x177, 1.2M)