Only one way to know for sure

trips with a bullish message and we bull
trips with a bearish message and we bear
trips with a neutral message and we sideways for 3 months.

Attached: 1530925254932.jpg (600x600, 491K)

doesn't matter, we're all going to be rich from link anyway

50k eoy

Sharpie in pooper

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Give me that bull cum

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Trips are just numbers



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Sideways for 2 years sorry fags

It's gonna be a while anons


link 1k eoy

link 8700 EOY kek has spoken

1 LINK = 1 BTC = $1000

Link will be worth 5 cents EOY


Mellow yellow side ways

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link 2500 eoy and btc 2500 eoy

Link goes to zero but rest of crypto moons

Strait to da moooooon

bully DOG!

Btc dies but alts finally bloom

Praise KeK

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Stay stinky (winky face)

Everyone feels bullish so bull run won’t happen soon

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based but not redpilled.

This board is too slow but not slow enough

BTC 4500 end of August.

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>trips with a neutral message and we sideways for 3 months.

here it goes

we. bull. now

that is a frog, delusional people itt


reroll for 444

bull. eom

50k eoy

Its over, its fucking over.
Bears are everywhere but we will close shorts the whole way to 300$

btc $60k eoy
xrp $50 eoy
xlm $30 eoy
link $2500 eoy

Link 2500 eoy, btc 20000 eoy

link 1.00 by end of sept. bull bull bull on everything til new years

everything to 0 by next week, get a job you NEET faggots


Dollar crashes under hyper inflation. 1 BTC worth 2 bags of rice and 8 cans of beans. (A lot)

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constellation x1000

Attached: Itsgonnabegood.jpg (211x238, 10K)

pumps over lads

Link 2500 eoy niggers

The True Bull arrives September 21st.

Got an erection waking up, so bullish.

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Back down bubby

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sorry guys. it's gonna be bad

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Eat shit nigger

We bull.....shit

Eat shit

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4k EOY

link 1000$ eoy

LINK $3333 EOY

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Nobody is getting trips, nobody is getting money

yup its gonna be stuck at this price forever. Look at the bright side it might actually be adopted this way

Something absolutely wonderful will happen.

Bull end of august

Extreme Bullrun beginning 12 September 2018.

Attached: jzwe0xq8gbcy.png (600x639, 179K)

i masturbate every day

we bull NOW

wen moon?

Attached: 1520225900724.png (895x856, 561K)

It's going up. No, it's going down. Actually I don't know. It's iffy.

I think we will have a pump till 12-13k and then bear until 2-3k.

Link $2500 eoy fren

Last night I had a team where I was leading a golden frog on a leash. The frog didn't pull it was more like a relaxed hiking. I was following his lead though.
After that a friend of mine who invested in shitcoins during the December bullrun got executed.
chainlink 2500 eoy

neutral trips

BTC 1 000$ EOY

bull for rlx and qash

were going to 3k BTC

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Centre of the earth

Bull penis plz

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Legendary golden bull run for link while everything else dies out

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Sergey 500 lbs EOY
Fatsetti 350 lbs EOY

I like all of this. Also holo $1 eoy and rep $0.50 eoy

6000 support wont hold again

(But down 60% from it's new ATH it reached)