Following BTC trend, we re going upwards as expected.the dip was nice, hope you all pack heavy bags...

following BTC trend, we re going upwards as expected.the dip was nice, hope you all pack heavy bags, SKYFLEET! 2018 last Q will make as happy AF!

Attached: skcloud.png (259x195, 4K)

This is what I get for being resilient. Shorting like crazy and bought quite a lot @2.40$. Let's see a 10x in 2 months!!

way to go fren, take note that the launch of the new hardware will FOMO in the rest of the non believers as the mesh net will start working in normal parameters and people will be selling bandwidth at that point

That means huge trading vol + mooning right?

how's your portfolio lookin like? i m covered up by a safety blanket made from a multitude of alts to make sure i don't get screwed up by whatever alt crash


user, trading vol and mooning go hand in hand just the first time, however SKZ will a hell of a good job this year


last Q will make as happy AF!
any promises at the horizon? where's the confidence coming from? i was betting for 2019 Q1

spreading thin is not much of an option since most of the alts will die... get rid of shitcoins and concentrate on 5 good coins


way to go fren, take note that the launch of the new hardware will FOMO in the rest of the non believers as the mesh net will start working in normal parameters and people will be selling bandwidth at that point

OP what is the size of the community and how many are willing to pay for the bandwidth? maybe we should calculate our profitability a bit.. just saying

As the community is somewhere in the thousands, I figure profit is easy fren, all ya need are the SKYminers up and running

U approach this from a 'lucky fool' perspective. too many alts are increasing the risk of losing, the real safety gig is when u focus.on a few. mb u lazy to learn more about alts, if so then u are doomed mate

Ofc they will FOMO, you cant miss such an opportunity. Becoming your own ISP is literally a dream come true!

got my 2months incentives already and holding it for when the time is right, no hurry. I sit on extra anyway, the investment was so low I didn't feel a thing missing from my pocket. If u say this is going to moon by the end of 2018 then I m in for the waiting.

working their ass off is part of the job as I work my ass off everyday but I can't stand to be undervalued. If I were them I d have made a public campaign to shut everyone s stinky mouths and dirty keyboards

been baggin 3k OP, this has been such a bargain price!! cant wait for this to go UP UP UP!!

look fren, I dont wanna become an ISP, just to buy quality bandwidth from normal people without a hidden agenda. hopefully this will happen as soon as the mesh net goes online

Being smart about how you work is part of the job too. Being undervalued is irritating, but devs and engineers who are focused on tech don't get demoralized about the price.
I think it will take a long time to replace ISPs. The meshnet is owned by the community, and some cities and towns will have better communities than others. Decentralized industry requires decentralized responsibility.

It's just gonna be a net over the ISP for a while, then slowly.. Independence!!!

OP the conferences on SKY are having a great effect on the coin, this need to keep on going indefinitely

have there been rumours on the price of the bandwidth? This is the only info that can help you calculate a potential income, otherwise it would be just plain speculation

Price of bandwidth will obviously fluctuate depending on the supply of Coinhours vs available network resources. Over the years, there will be some equilibrium i reckon.

The network should be expected to start out underutilized, which will reduce income for miners. It may be possible for the Skycoin foundation to implement some sort of stimulus.

omg did you guys see what sudo wrote in the chat lmfao

Literal scam. No blockchain, no consensus algo, no devs.

no brain


Holy shit this is some of the best pajeet shilling I've seen, congrats to all involved

Gotta get nodes working on Skywire before you can have consensus, duh.

Why would it be pajeets? The hardware guys are in China but the other devs are all around the world.