Get the fuck out of the market NOW
Sell now even the potheads are selling
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You want my bags, OP? Come get them faggot
>potheads selling
>Conventment is around the corner
Weed is substantially better than spend your money on alcohol or coke
i luv wed
newfags will think conventment is another DUDE WEED coin.
Don’t shill it. Keep gold close to your chest.
potheads won’t benefit from Conventment though
Well, looks like I’m all in Conventment.
Oh shit! We all know potheads are the last to learn about the news!!! SELL SELL SELL!
Growing your own + a vaporizer for minimal consumption = practicallyfree weed for ever
>$50 for the vapcap
>$200 for a microgrow with LEDs
>you gain a great hobby in the process
care to share what is Conventment? A cursory search revealed nothing
eating boogers might be better than eating shit or vomit too so whats your point
sweet ty
It costs way more than that. Just the lights are $200
Tent 100
Pots and soil 40
Exhaust fan and carbon filter 100
Nutrients 30
Seeds 100 a pack
Humidifiers, thermostats, ph testing shit 30
Holy shit you must be one of those people who like to pay out of the ass for everything. To start a microgrow you don't need $200 lights or any of the other shit you mentioned.
Learn about quantum boards, or make your own with 5030 led strips. Get with the times faggot
Don't smoke daily, anons, believe in me i'm a good guy.
I bet you guys used all your savings buying crypto, right? Just hold it, cmon, it's for the future.
Thanks guys, I've seen this coin 2 or 3 times before never took the time to look into it. this shit is great
How old are you? If you don't drink or smoke, that's good for you. For the rest of us adults, weed is the only vice/one of the only vices that is arguably good for you