I don't think we'll see cryptocurrency as a form of payment for weed in the near future, maybe a long time from now, but 'blockchaining' logistics for the cannabis industry using Ethereum seems to be the first logical step. Of course, there's the scaling issue which middleware can help out with I guess.
When investing in any cannabis project, it seems we have to avoid any type of "DECENTRALIZED MARKETPLACE P2P ANONYMOUS PAYMENTS" bullshit. Also avoid the "NEW WAY TO PAY FOR WEED!" gimmick.
What cannabis-related projects are you invested in?
Ethereum actually has its place as a framework for logistics tech..so I see no problem with what Conventment is doing. Especially if they’re admitting the ERC20 token has nothing to do with the platform itself. Good shit. Hi
I agree with the avoidance of projects like potcoin though.
Jaxson Collins
Obviously Conventment is right around the corner. Except all the talk thats been starting around here is completely pushing me away from it.
Evan Morales
Christian Hill
Bitcoin and seed stocks are unironically the two biggest meme investments for brainlet normies. Tesla is a close third.
Justin Kelly
FUD is powerful and ETH is getting hit hard. I ignore the prices though. The framework is the gold.
Brandon Cruz
ABOUT FUCKING TIME someone realizes that Ethereum is a fucking FRAMEWORK.
Scaling can be done in 100 different ways. Fuck the price.
Brayden Scott
Weed stocks are only a meme if you’re investing in..
1. a seed bank 2. a dispensary franchise 3. a grow equipment business
Ignore these and you won’t be memed.
Lucas Murphy
I think ERC20/ERC223 tokens have some good vanity use, like access to a special feature or something. But the requirement of such tokens are complete bullshit.
Benjamin Evans
conventment is underrated as fuck though
Leo Wright
I work in cannabis and I promise you approximately 0 dispensaries will bother to use this
Eli Williams
I’ve invested in a few DUDE WEED coins over the past few years.
Potcoin is good, nothing special. Cannabiscoin was a gay scam. I own a few pennystocks as well.
Elijah Taylor
>I work in cannabis
Sure you do, pajeet.
William Thompson
Which penny stocks do you own?
Hudson Roberts
I live in Northampton, Mass.
We have the NETA dispensary and I assure you that there’s more than a few employees there that know about Conventment and are keeping quiet about it.
Parker Fisher
That Delta9 Asian fucker is going to get murdered one day in Vegas.
It will work for the emerging mega-growers which is all that counts.
Personally think it's pretty sad that weed is headed in this shitty corporate direction, but I've accepted it by now, and might as well make money off of it or someone else will desu
Owen Ortiz
NETA is huge so I believe it. Bitcoin nerds all over the place.
Sometimes I feel like it's all been a big plan for the last 50 years to create insane demand for cannabis.
The corporate direction can be good though. No nasty junkies lacing your weed with fentanyl.
Ryder Nelson
Anyone can start a seed bank.
David Sanchez
Can someone post that REQ image with points about how it makes zero sense?
Elijah Lee
hahahahaha I remember that shit
Jaxon Evans
>What cannabis-related projects are you invested in?
Weed derivative pharmaceutical companies. I've been shilling them for a couple months over on /smg/ thread. The Canadian recreational sector speculative bubble has lost a lot of steam. US recreational has some promise, especially Acreage Holdings when it goes public this fall. But I believe the big gains are in pharmaceuticals for the following reason:
Cannabis being federally illegal prevented large scale clinical trials or made them very difficult. Comprehensive information on efficacy and dosage is sparse. As such, there are few cannabis derivative medications that have passed full clinicals and been assigned DIN. This has resulted in medical MJ mainly being prescribed as 'okay here is your MJ card, go to dispensary and buy whatever'. The medical MJ card is basically a permission slip to self medicate without regulated delivery, dosage, or consistent product.
With Canada going legal and US on a slippery slope in that direction, it's much easier to do proper research and clinical trials. This means we will see a number of derivative meds pass trials and receive FDA approval. Doctors will be much more willing to prescribe if the med has clear indications based on sound research, dosage guidelines, and pharma produced consistently formulated product. The media will duly report this new class of med and weed pharma will have a decent speculative bubble.
Ayden Young
Joseph Rodriguez
Man I really want Jeff Sessions to nuke the weed industry already. I'm so sick of you retards.
Zachary Watson
He tried. Got hit with wave of backlash from both sides of the aisle, many states initiated early proceedings to legalize or put legalization up for vote in future elections. Sessions fucked up when he tried to infringe on state's rights.
Matthew Lee
GW pharma a good buy? >clinical trials in us >epidolex >sativex >new drugs >impending medical legalisation in the uk
Asher Long
What do you think about hemp stocks such as GHG and others?
Robert Brooks
In general, yes. Right now specifically it's risky as you would be fishing for a bullish reversal out of the current bearish trend. Nothing wrong with that but, depending on how you trade, you may want to wait for confirmation.
Dominic Price
I'm pretty bullish on industrial hemp right now. I think it's best to get in on that sector early as the financials won't be stellar when big production is in place. Industrial hemp is a low margin crop so not huge profit potential. Bet on some smaller companies that maybe turn massive and you'll make nice profits, i think.
No opinion on specific tickers. i haven't done enough research to say.
Brandon Martinez
The team consists of 4 greasy scumbags. CONventment. nice try Joost
Mason Torres
thanks, thats exactly what I also think - good to see others have the same thoughts.
GHG which I mentioned has a quite diverse business model, they got operations in New Brunswick where they grow normal industrial hemp and in Oregon where they grow high CBD hemp. They could really make imo.