ITT: We Laugh at Reddit


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Some people were born to be wagies

>buying on margin
Why would you do this?

Why would we, OP? Why not invest this time in trying to make it?



EDIT: A word.

RIP Inbox.

Thanks for the gold, friend.

Don't you talk bad about Reddit!

hahahahahahaha r*ddit is so fucking gay hahahahaha are they even real people or subhumans?

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you pretend nobody here has done that, I guarantee people have

It's the same reason why some people blow through multi-million dollar lottery winnings in a few years. Low IQ.

You just won the internet worth that spacing.

I hope the loan was from the mafia.

>buy gold
>file bankruptcy








To make more profit?

Laugh at anyone that invested more than they are willing to lose and walk away unaffected.

>Create business
>Get a loan
>Pay yourself a salary, and investors dividends (which is also half you)
>Few years later
>Declare bankruptcy

Easy money. This is fraud one o'one. I learned this from my first finance class.

Meanwhile I'm stealing at these prices :^)

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you just described 99% of startups. you know where angels get money? through public funds.

Plebbitors just doing plebbit things.

Found the redditor.

How much loan we talking, user?

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>I am better than others because I write on an anonymous Serbian woodworking forum
>I still live with my mom at the age of 35
>fucking wagecucks
>are women a good investment

Every online community has stupid memes, this clannism bullshit makes you look like 15 year olds.

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They are 15 user

dude lost 11btc on that

Yes, the Jewish mafia

>are women a good investment
Lol, true. Or
>Not marrying a virgin.
>Thinks he's going to make it

Beginning American Business Strategy 101

Unless he sold he didn't lose anything.

you laugh at Reddit, but people here did the same shit with credit cards.

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But it was other people's Credit Cards and no one got caught.

its not a loss until you sell amiright? just HODL?

I believe he's ironically reddit spacing

this was about to be me. i was supposed to get roughly $400K in december 2017 and i was planning on investing $300K into BTC/ETH/NEO/VEN/ICX. things got delayed a year and i have been watching this shitstorm unfold wondering what in the absolute fuck i was thinking. i can't believe i was spared and now i can get a much better portfolio for like 25K max. i would have been fucked for life. every single day i thank god that money got delayed

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>loses 85%
ouch, he didn't ACTUALLY sell at such a large loss?
i'd convert half to BCH and ride it out at least 5 years

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>Thinking it will ever go back up

>believing Reddit spacing is a thing

Election faggots please drink bleach and fuck off

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burn hahaha lol wtf

yeah but it's funny because it happened to reddit haha

Link to reddit thread because I'm not finding it. I think that website made up an article for page views.

I know hindsight is 20/20 but how could you be such a brainlet that you take out a loan for an amount of money that you will never be able to pay back and use it at the top of a huge historic run up in prices?

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Sucked in lol

Definition in FOMO

Takes one to know one

What would happen if the redditor faggot just upped and left to go to Japan or Europe and never came back?

I am a wageslave accountant and half my fucking clients are like this.

>be a shitty "tech" startup with the most shit-tier idea possible
>so much VC money sloshing around looking for a place to park
>go to an accelerator programme with your cap in your hand and pitch your absolute unworkable shit tier idea
>get given massive loans
>set up monthly payroll even though you are pre-revenue
>90% of the time never make a single sale
>go insolvent and wind up business

The VC faggots dont even expect most of the businesses they invest in to even survive anyway, they just invest for tax breaks.