What inspires you as a trader of color? No cuck wh*te boils allowed in this thread

What inspires you as a trader of color? No cuck wh*te boils allowed in this thread. youtu.be/LbPTprORevY

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ayo hol up itz weird. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! up in tha beginnin I was fuddin Link ta accumulate mo' n' mo' n' mo'. which I did ultimately when dat shiznit was round 13 cent. I amassed 300K Link. I definately be thinkin I have enough ta make dat shit. tha problem though is dat I can't stop fuddin mah own investment where I be literally all-in wit mah game savings. I designed a shitload of da most thugged-out hated n' posted memes regardin Chainlink. again... I be all-in wit mah live savings n' I have no intention whatsoeva ta shill dis project. instead I went ta crazy lengths ta meme fud whenever I can. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy bitch. sometimes I sit a whole dizzle up in front of tha screen n' I FUD FUD FUD FUD. I don't suttin' is poppin' off wit mah dirty nigga ass. but since I have invested up in Chainlink I feel helladifferent. mah behavior make straight-up no sense... yet I be 100% shizzle I gotta FUD mah own investment.

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>What inspires you as a trader of color?


Ay mane, Gucci sum played out 2017 shit bwah. If yeen rockin balenciaga, yeen lit. Sheeeeeiiiitttt. Getchuh weight up yung nigga.

Look none of you know crap kek
Me watch wide variety of Forex traders

Am can believe some of these gangsta thugs and crack hos make cash on forex because their realm of thinking so far removed from wash brokers they sail past liquidation playa meant for education white guys and Asians

There are house moms on twitter who make 200+ pops daily you can follow their calls

Me have seen "sheaboon" gorilla with crossed eyes make 10k+ vix calls weekly

Gib me sum watermeluns

makinn dat paper nigga

we [clapping emoji] gon [clapping emoji] make [clapping emoji] dat [clapping emoji] money!!!!

predictions muh nigguah

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How do you approach girls? Asking for my POC friend

>niggers in crypto
A nice sell signal

I grew up in an area with like 50% black population in the US. All my black friends who regularly pulled at bars did the same thing
>be extremely aloof
>do not speak 100% proper english
>look tired/sleepy/unimpressed.
>if you say something stupid and get called out, immediately chuckle and call her weird or out of the loop
>tell people you are a real nigga and that you dont know whats up with kids today but that you arent about that stupid shit
>say you work in club promotion or know business owners or have a friend starting up a club (in my area new ones opened up regularly, would get shot up, forced to close by sheriff)
>never answer questions directly
Ive seen tons of drunk girls start making out almost immediately when they run this game then the girls look kinda stupid when they explain to people how they know the owner of such and such club.

none of you know how to talk like actual niggers.

as if that's a bad thing

geah ah got dem cornrows n pink bandana bitches be swangin of my nutsak ya dig, lukka dis paper ah could feed a muthafuckin village fulla niggas in africa but dun wanna but amma mek it look like i gives a fuck ya kno, gotta tel dem hoes thattah spare a dime fo tha lil niggas to get tha panties but nigguh, ah str8 up dgaf

I can't stop laughing at this, it's like link posting but unironic.
>california king

I didn’t think I’d get a sincere answer
Thank you fren

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And then link went $100 EOY but you woke up before getting a lambo because the customer wants an extra bbq sauce

You faggots know that these threads are made by a faggot from a single Jow Forumsfag right?

Man that fucking tulip mania poster too. 10 BTC says hes either a mentally ill nazi or a butthurt asian.

Pretty sure the nigger larper, pedo guy, and tulip guy are one mentally ill samefag.


I would never defend niggers or act like one even as a joke. Kill yourself.

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