>tfw when im only 24 but i feel like a boomer who cant play fortnite because theres too many buttons
Tfw when im only 24 but i feel like a boomer who cant play fortnite because theres too many buttons
>be 25
>coworker invites me to play fortnite with him
>game's too confusing, too much going on, objective is unclear
>coworker tells me i'm really bad
>tells others at work i'm really bad at fortnite
>getting bullied at work cause i suck at video games
>got bullied in school cause i played video games
fortnite is shit also why is this thread on Jow Forums?
amazing thread you absolute shitfucker
Jow Forums-Business & Finance
>be 30 yr old boomer
>play games growing up
>only nerds and outcasts used the internet or played video games
>gamers looked down on
>15 years later
>zoomers laugh at my slower reaction times in games
>zoomers only play FPS/Deathmatch, no one plays RTS or MMO anymore
you fucking zoomers gonna get whats coming to you
Also this
>grow up playing games
>hillary clinton on the news saying video games cause mass shootings and we need to outlaw games
>15 years later
>nintendo switch loving zoomers try to vote in hillary
>download fortnite
>projectile aim is terrible
>everyone jumps like a headless chicken
>download h1z1
>shooting a full magazine literally form a Z
I get that fortnite is a meme and that's the point, but real talk that game looks like lame halfassed toontown shit, play a real game like Siege or something
You're playing the wrong games my nigger. Go play Chrono Cross, Dark Souls, Xenogears, Resident Evil 3, Ico, Silent Hill 3, Final Fantasy IV, etc. Real games. Not these mobile games made for console, pay to win, "lifestyle" games designed for ADHD children
>muh siege
Go back to Jow Forums you fat fuck
can only play driving games because FPS and Deathmatch games cause me to throw up
lel, there is adif between the game and the book retard
Commander keen
Sango fighter
Jazz jackrabbit
The treehouse
Monster bash
Duke nukem
wtf is fortnite for shit game. play Q3 like real men
24 yo boomer checking in playing old school runescape
feel so old yet so young
>Not posting the gif
How does anyone over 20 play video games?
How the fuck am I supposed to drop them when they just keep getting better? If it were 2005 and the best options were some stupid mmo or mario kart I wouldn't be buying any new games. But
>Dark souls and bloodborne
>new Doom
>Civ 5
>new Resident Evil
even zoomer overwatch is so much fucking fun. How can books compete?
>they keep getting better
new games suck, you must be easily impressed by graphics. Kys
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