I just exposed Vechain
Oh no! All marketing is a scam.
only $3500? bullshit
publish a boomer article as proof
Fucking kek
I wonder if they paid using VEN Tokens lmao
contact them on their fb page if you don't believe me
they will reply within 6-12 hours.
I just exposed Netflix
no surprise here
Good thinking OP. It won't matter though. Their baholders are a legit fucking cult at this point.
IF found this comment on reddit "I'm damn sick of everyone disrespecting Sunny and our team. They have proved enough for your investment. If you need more, maybe you need to move to a coin that has better adoption or shut the F**k up. Not directed at OP "
Damn, I already knew the internet was fucked after the beginning of clickbait. But holy fuck. Absolute state of the net
Someone should post the OP pic on their subreddit
I am banned from that sub and not bothered to create a new account and accumulate points just to post there
I just exposed Google.
Kek, what did you even ‘expose’? Money talks dumb nigger, does that surprise you?
Why are you so fucking butt hurt about vechain?
how many hours per day does vechain occupy your life? are you aware you have a mental health problem and should just kys?
Autism to the max from you
OP legit went out to find if vechain lied and he proved it meanwhile you bring up random shit thinking it adds to your argument.
They found out there’s a listing fee for Distrubuted to publish an article on Nasdaq. Big fucking deal. It’s like finding out that Forbes Contributors is a thing. Shocker.
It’s gonna dump after August 20th
Watch reddit blow up
Don’t you get confused constantly talking about yourself in 3rd person foxy? It’s pathetic
i exposed them by revealing that the NASDAQ article was indeed paid for and vechain is a giant scam. they have no credibility.
of course its a big deal you absolute turd. Veshills were celebrating thinking its legit and making retards fall for the shitcoin's marketing tactics.
aware me
Who cares what reddit Vetards think, that matters as little as what biz thinks. You don’t move the market.
They still have to decide youre worth writing about to avoid image and sponsorship risks
The goal is to BTFO the veshits
Oh shit this is great.
Who is the fucker that said never to trust this projects CEO? Someone must have that on hand
If you can prove Vechain paid for that article I’ll give you 5000$ in the coin of your choice foxy
i guess it is all over for vechain then. once this gets out it will be mass selling and a race to zero. well done. you are so smart.
good job op
netflix doesn't claim it's an official communication _from_ nasdaq. That's the difference between a lie and advertising.
>I would like to know the charges
pajeet exposed. I think the real question here is who's sponsoring you pajeet - ambrosus? waltonchain?
>The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc.