Get in before August 29th. The first fully regulated exchange is going to turn this market on its head.
The next big thing in Crypto
Other urls found in this thread:
Don’t try to dump that chunk shit on us.
It will never really. NEVER
Will. Cap this turd boy
qash hodlers
I’m “dumping” at $100 usd in 2020
The exchange is going to be phenomenal, but i'm honestly not even ecstatic over it anymore. Yes, their MMO will be unprecedented, and yes, the global liquidity pool will be what takes this into leddit's eyes. They need to deliver and establish partnerships, but what WILL take this to andromeda is their LDL. if they nail the tech and it's PoS then there is absolutely no ceiling for this.
We need a bullrun and this thing will explode
In a bullrun everything explodes, moron.
QASH is a shitcoin ERC-20 token that has ZERO utility.
You nerds are as desperate as this faggot.
Bnb coin is an erc20 as well. Binance also will never be regulated like Liquid. Smart money wont involve itself with the likes of Binance and this is why you will stay poor
>no ceiling
yea, user, scams are just great
That comma proves you’re retarded.
And no, not everything explodes you faggot. You will see soon enough.
From where do you know about 29 August ?
Pfff I've lost 15k on this chink scam. Fucking shitcoin
Are you really that stupid?
Binance has the most volume, and it's token has a utility, you get more discount if you hold even more BNB and there's a token burn every quarter.
You're trying to compare a shit ERC-20 token (QASH) which has no use-case at all with BNB ...
And you can shove your smart money up your ass because no "smart" person is going to send their money to a shit jap-exchange when they could send it to Coinbase.
Scam coin
Binance discount gets lower and lower to the point where there’s no discount in the 5th year you stupid fucking faggot. You probably didn’t read the white paper though did you?
Choke on a fucking dick mate.
That's why everyone will end up holding a shit load of BNB because of the Tiered Trading Fee Discount. 5 years is a long time, considering their Decentralized Exchange will be out way before then, which will use BNB.
Eitherway, QASH is still a shitcoin. It has ZERO utility. Have fun holding that shitcoin when Bitcoin dumps to 5.4k.
>doesn’t know Qash is converting away from erc-20
Never gonna make it
> doesn't know promises are worthless since they failed to deliver on every promise they made
> doesn't know development takes YEARS
stay poor pajeet
Your argument is shit. You know damn well that the only reason Quoine has remained so secretive about their tokenomics is so Binance can’t just steal their ideas like last time.
Everyone who knows anything about Liquid and Binance knows that smart money will go with Liquid. An exchange that’s actually regulated and insured in a real country, not some gypsy island.
I’m sick of seeing these QASH threads on Jow Forums because 99% of biztards are as retarded as you and don’t deserve to make it.
Better just dont make threads about liquid these morons are retarded or fuders who think by talking shit on biz makes prices go lower
I'm down -80%, can't get any worse then this, r-right?
I lost over 10 grand on this shitcoin
thank you biz
Just hold it
Fun fact, market makers already do what liquid plans to do and in a way that is far more efficient. Smart people will stay away.
You do realise there’s more to Liquid than liquidity right user?
Another fag who will not make it.
Please enlighten me
100% cold storage
direct market access
trading strategies
they are working with local banks all over the world so they will serve as a one big fiat onramp to many less common fiats (its liquidity related I admit that)
one complete ICO platform where its safe to invest, because everyone already has passed KYC/AML
and the ICOs listed there are already vetted by them, so you know its not an outright scam
"Our vision of QASH was for it to be the Bitcoin or Ethereum of the financial world. But we don’t need to be the Bitcoin or Ethereum of anything. We will forge our own identity and path with the Liquid Token and Liquid Distributed Ledger."
"Liquidity is still the lifeblood of cryptocurrency and our company. It is vital for a healthy market and this is why we are so dedicated to providing the most liquid crypto markets. #Liquid will benefit the entire crypto economy. Our vision for this platform hasn’t faltered."
>100% cold storage
Liquid can't use 100% since their platform borrows liqudity from exchanges that won't use 100% cold storage. Also is it not incredibly slow?
>direct market access
It sounds cool. But in reality this is the job of market makers which offer their services to many exchanges.
>trading strategies
Many upcoming exchanges doing this
>they are working with local banks all over the world so they will serve as a one big fiat onramp to many less common fiats (its liquidity related I admit that)
Other upcoming exchanges are also doing this.
That statement doesn't say anything, it's just garbage.
Any exchange that intends to survive over the next few years has mandatory KYC/AML. Many exchanges also vet ICOs.
I feel like you are trying way too hard but idk
time will tell who was right
I love chunk shit
Trying too hard? You have no idea what your doing do you? Do yourself a favor and sell everything you've got and buy BTC before you lose all your money buying chink scams you fucking retard.
i'm thinking about throwing some btc into coins like this that have gone down >90%. ofc they won't "succeed", but there will most likely be another hype phase when their "products" go "live". don't worry, i got my 21 btc in cold storage which i won't touch, but i could use some of my trading stack. it's tempting when thinking about how i could get 50k of these shitcoins for only 8k$ and people paid >100k$ for it in january
going to buy some QASH with all proceeds from a flip I'm doing. hope I make the make it on time, there's a mystery announcement on SRN within the next 2 weeks.
Anyone who doubts this project just watch
Its just scam look at pixels of video and his head too bald pure scam
wake up sheeple
don't fall for scam, ceo is a bird.
I did, it's not a scam it's just a retarded idea.
this is amusing in so many ways
legit the best meme
10k enough to make it?
Yes. 20k is hamptons style comfy though.
what would be an estimated staking income if this moons?
Hoping around 10% annual. Praying for nodes with much higher ROI.
hope so make it user. hope not to be a wagie
I’ve got a 30k stack hoping to retire off it. God fucking help us if we get gookd
If we do get gooked this really would be one of the most elaborate scams in history
I mean, in a way, it would be glorious
No it wouldnt I'd be fucked kek
BNB is one of the only useful tokens. QASH is worthless.
Qash is worthless LQD will be phenomenal
And qash will moon because of it dillhole
QASH will be called LQD young brainlet
Mikes weekly is in the next few hours. Most likely a liquid announcement incoming
So what they gonna rebrand the token or jew us?
Rebrand head to toe. From logo to tokenomics. The exchange is now just the tip of the iceberg
Learn what your talking about before you mouth off faggot
The quoine logos on telegram have all changed to liquid logos today as have some admins names
answers a question with an insult. you must be fun at parties. jajajajjajajajajaj
Ask retarded things get same quality answer
You called me a dillhole without knowing your shit. Fuck off child
Let’s all calm our tits.
Meanwhile, Mike just exit scammed us.
Fuck u dildo
I dont even know if its serious or not
"smart money" will bull the entire market, doesn't matter into which exchange it flows, basic principle of supply and demand. your argument is invalid, check for brain
Bag holders, you should've sold near the top and bought back in a few months time. You would have quadrupled your stack.
But no, instead you come to shill a shitcoin with zero utility during a bear market.
>you should have timed the market
ah thanks user. I guess you're a billionaire then since you have the gift of clairvoyance.
Does clairvoyance mean you suck dicks? Sorry English isn’t my first language
When was last time liquid thread lasted so long? Most of time these got few posts and went to grave.
It's like a REQ thread
Thread is still up? Fucking qashlets