The 30 year old boomer was started by a Monster marketing exec

The 30 year old boomer was started by a Monster marketing exec

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quite obviously. sometimes you can tell when they're just trying to fill the quota with stale regurgitation of the meme

"Hey lets market our drink to a really niche small group of NEETS who have next to no income other than memecoins"

Um. Ok.

>Closet user gets hired by Monster
>Creates most successful meme campaign in company's history
>Uses clout to hire other anons into lucrative, do-nothing marketing jobs

I'm not seeing the problem here.

party rock is in the house tonight

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I think it was just hijacked by a marketer.

if this was true it'd be fucking amazing and I'd buy their products on purpose to support their business

If true they are not paying him near enough. Marketing genius

"on the other hand, he did manage to meme them into buying a 450 million dollar imaginary cyber token"

not true, first boomer memes posted here did not include monster

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And we thank him for it.

Pretty obvious
Now a herd of HR roasties who blabber nonstop in the office will complain for the equal pay.

Reminder that being a stooge for viral marketers means you will never, ever make it.
>doing it for free

>drinking monster

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does it come with a box of tampons? Literally >Vagina the energy drink

Enjoy your insulin resistance, goy.

Best boi coming through

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>Monster unironically up 25% since the meme started
>biz shilling for free
Explain yourselves

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>that 30 year old boomer who hedged his crypto with MNST

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>implying all Jow Forums memes dont become normie tier eventually