Redpill me on gold and silver: is it a better investment than shitcoins?
Redpill me on gold and silver: is it a better investment than shitcoins?
Spotted the REM shill
Yes, but also more boring, which is why people buy crypto
Gold and silver are not investments. They barely manage to keep pace with inflation.
Yea, -70% yoy is really exciting I agree.
if you want to be a faggot boomer buy gold and silver. its an ancient, antiquated, form of investing that is only kept on life support by ETFs. buy bitcoin and ethereum
There is no redpill on gold or silver. You want to purchase cash producing assets that appreciate in value i.e. lever up on rental properties, stocks, etfs, etc.
Crypto is more viable than ancient rocks due to the disruptive nature and a better hedge against inflation. Go to fucking Jow Forums you boomer piece of shit.
You only buy gold during eco recession.
Don't look for investing advice from the herd.
how long before the asteroid mining faggot shows his ugly face.
It's more stable but won't give you a high rate of return on your investment, but it will maintain value if the dollar collapsed
Real life isn't star wars faggot it's not gonna happen in our lifetime
precious metals are not "investments", they are security. precious metals will never drastically change in value over the long term, and in the event of a disaster where all fiat currency breaks precious metals would still work (and then actually be a lot more) which is why people who "invest" in pm are obsessed with apocalypse scenarios. it's their power fantasy, and it has historical precedent, it really does work that way when fiat becomes worthless. but betting on that happening in your lifetime can't be considered "investing". at best it's gambling. another angle to seeing pm as investments is the claim that they are currently undervalued and the manipulation that is keeping them undervalued will seize eventually. this is an optimistic but plausible scenario, but I wouldn't bet on it either. i would simply hold a decent amount of pm for emergency SHTF events like my nation's currency becoming worthless, and hey, if pms suddenly and permanently gain value in a decade that's a nice bonus effect.
>Real life isn't star wars faggot it's not gonna happen in our lifetime
t. 50 year old boomer
>Elon will take us to Mars any day now
Better than real estate. My house is apparently worth 60% more right now than it was 2 years ago, fml.
I have a little cuckbox of silver and gold as suicide insurance in case a country decides to revert back to a metal-backed standard which would cause all fiat currencies to instantly collapse
The rest is in crypto and stocks
Maybe you meant "we" to mean Americans?
Sorry I don't understand chink. Would you care to rephrase that in English?
What do you hold: coins or bars?
Zoom out.
Have some generic Scottsdale bars, the rest are mostly Britannias, then some Eagles, Maples, Pandas etc.
Just whatever I can get for near spot.